7- the magical world

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7 - the magical world

Within minutes both Yugi and Atem had arrived within the magical world. Atem took in the sights allowing Yugi to romp around in the field that they were in. The world appeared far different from the one that they came from. The sky was a light violet blue with three bright white suns in the sky. The nearby mountains were jade green as the grass was a carpet of golden green, the water was a crystal blue-green color as the trees had a black bark with the leaved glowing in a florescent pastel colors. Strange animals that Atem had seen only in various picture books of different fairy tails roamed not afraid of the two teens. Even though this was the first time that Atem has been to this world, he felt like he had been there before. Atem reached into the backpack that Shadi had given to him pulling out a map. Something in his gut told him to go to the mountains. In order to get to the mountains, they had to travel through the forest. Atem put back the map into the bag whistling for Yugi. His demonic brother answered the call walking around on his hands and feet much like an animal.

"Come on Yugi, we have a long journey head of us." Atem stated as his brother just tilted his head studying Atem who tried to avoid crying and looking at the horrible shape that his brother was in. Yugi reached out his claw-like winged hand touching Atem's hand.

"Atem?" Yugi asked in a strange guttered voice. Atem turned towards Yugi shocked. It was the first words that he had heard the demon speak since his transformation. Tears streaked down Atem's face. His little brother was still in there regardless of what he may look like. This made Atem's resolve only stronger. He may not be able to return his brother back to a human form but he would find a way to free Yugi of the demonic influences that was plaguing him. Yugi cozied up close to his older brother standing upright on his back hind legs. He was still a little bit shorter than Atem as Yugi could sense Atem's feelings. Yugi wrapped his winged arms around Atem's body crying tears of blood. "Not your fault. All mine. Stupid." he stated having a hard time speaking. His speech was broken and his voice guttered that he didn't sound the same. Atem seemed to understand what Yugi was trying to say. Atem wiped away his tears when Yugi stepped back.

"Thanks for your vote of confidence Yugi but I made a promise to mom that I would always protect you and keep you out of trouble. I guess that I am not much of an older brother." Atem stated as Yugi shook his head no.

"Couldn't know this." Yugi stated before he spat out a few curses in his demonic tongue. Yugi took a few steps away from Atem when he became frustrated when he couldn't talk to Atem. Guttered snarls and curses escaped from Yugi's mouth in frustration that part of his demonic nature broke through.

"Yugi stop, it is all right. We aren't going to get much done if we continue to feel sorry from each other." Atem shouted out as the earrings that they wore glowed even more as Yugi yelped in pain when the earring sent a sharp bolt of power through his body. The demon wheezed calming down.

*Damn it, that hurt!* snapped a voice mentally. Atem looked Yugi shocked as he was hearing Yugi's thoughts loud and clear in his mind. Could this be a power that Atem possessed?

"Come on Yugi we should get going." Atem stated as Yugi hunched back over following behind Atem.

Several hours later, Yugi and Atem had reached the forest. The forest was thick and dark as no light broke through the black woods. Atem paused for a minute looking for a light and something to cut the branches in order to make a path. Suddenly Atem could hear a swift crack. When Atem looked up Yugi was standing up on his hind legs. His tail swung chopping the branches. In his winged hand he held a fireball. It was hard for Yugi to keep his balance while on his hind legs because of the way that his knees were bent allowing Yugi to only walk on all fours for long periods of time. Atem went up to the demon offering his shoulder for support.

"Just watch the claws little brother." Atem stated as the demon nodded his head. As they walked, Yugi was careful where he swung his tail so not to hit Atem. He was grateful to Shadi's magic that kept some of his more beastial urges and tendencies under control. Yugi's shackles were the only thing making any noise as they moved through the forest. It was slow going through the forest because of Yugi was lighting the way and that he had a hard time walking upright on his hind legs. But thankfully Atem walked slow enough for Yugi. Atem decided to take a break after walking for what seemed like three hours.

Atem sat down onto a fallen tree log as Yugi's tail brushed together a few branches in order to keep the fireball for light. Atem took off the backpack digging into it to find a bottle of water and dry rations. He gave Yugi that bottle of water first uncapping it for him.

"Go ahead and drink up Yugi. We will get going again in a minute." Atem wheezed.

*Thank you Atem but you need it more than me. You are completely dehydrated because of me.* a voice stated mentally within Atem's mind as Yugi pushed back the water bottle towards Atem.

"Yugi did you hear that just now?" Atem asked. Yugi's ears twitched as he attempted to hear whatever Atem was hearing. Slowly the demon shook his head no. "Then I was right about what I was hearing. Yugi it seems that I am hearing your thoughts since because you can't speak normally, you must be able to speak telepathically and some how I am hearing this speech in my mind." stated Atem. Yugi looked at his brother wide eyed surprised. He didn't realize that he was even doing what he was doing.

After resting for a couple of minutes both Yugi and Atem continued on their way as it took them another three hours to finally exit the forest. They could see over head that the suns were starting to set at they had to find someplace to camp for the night.

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