12- the wizard Dartz

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12 - the wizard Dartz

Dartz arrived to see two beings land on top of the mountain close to his home. Their bodies were radiating energy on two different spectrum's. One who was a human was engulfed in light, the other who was a demon was engulfed in darkness. The two collapsed when the energy dissipated having them fall unconscious.

"So they have made it and have passed all of the tests that I had placed before them. Now the hard part of their journey can truly begin." he stated as with a wave of his hand the two teen bodies magically lifted up following Dartz as he headed into the temple home. He placed both teens in seperate rooms allowing them to rest.

When Atem regained consciousness his whole entire body and head pounded in pain. He let out a long moan as he stretched out his body. Memories came flooding into his head of what had happened. Atem's father was named Light Yami the keeper of light, a wizard that controlled the powers of light. His twin brother, Yugi's father was named Dark Yami the keeper of darkness, a wizard that controlled the powers of darkness. The twin brothers were alike in every aspect but their mannerisms were completely different. They both knew that Zorc wouldn't rest until he had the powers possessed by Dark. In an effort to keep Zorc from getting what he wants, the twins fell in love with the same woman who gave birth to their children. The twins had passed on part of their power and their essence into their sons to keep Zorc from it. Somehow in someway Zorc had found out after he had killed the twins. That is the reason why Zorc had sent his book to Yugi. It explained why both Yugi and Atem looked like each other despite the difference in their age. Atem slowly got up venturing out of the room that he was in. Outside of his door stood a bald headed Chinese man who had a Chinese symbol tattooed in the middle of his forehead.

"Ah I see that you finally woke up. I am here to bring you to my master when you awoke. So please follow me." he stated.

Atem followed the man as they walked through the huge temple as he could see Yugi following the same man the only thing was that he had a different Chinese symbol tattooted in the middle of his forehead. The teens followed the men to what appeared to be the main meeting area. A young looking man sat on what appeared to be an old looking thrown as he had long aqua blue-green hair and two different color eyes. A smile stretched across his Caucasian face when he saw Atem and Yugi.

"Thank you Paradox brothers. Welcome Yugi Moto and Atem Yami, I am the wizard Dartz. You both have passed the trail that I had placed before you to see if you were both were worthy of the power that was given to you. Usually the guardians of light and darkness are chosen by the elders whom control magic. Both of your father's were the guardians until Zork had killed them. Unfortunately because of what happened to you Yugi, I can't remove the curse that Zorc's book had placed on you however, you have managed to purge the demonic half of you allowing you to keep your humanity." stated Dartz.

"So what happens now that we know who and what we are?" asked Atem.

"You both will train in order to fully understand what you are capable of. This maybe the only way that you may stop Zorc's plans. Unfortunately all we know is that he wants the power of darkness to destroy the light but, we don't know his true intentions." replied Dartz. Both Yugi and Atem looked at each other realizing that things were going to start changing for them.

Dartz began training them after he had shown them both around the temple. The Paradox brothers even assisted Dartz in training Yugi and Atem. Both Atem and Yugi proved to be quick studies in learning how to use the power that they had.

"You both have a long way to go but you two pretty much all ready have an understanding of what you are capable of. As you have no doubt all ready experienced your powers do become stronger with certain emotions. And Yugi even though you have freed yourself of the demon that was with inside of you. You will still be able to have fits of demonic rage and other certain tendencies, which is natrual for all demons." stated Dartz.

"But why can't I?" Yugi stated in a guttered voice trying to speak.

"It will take time for your demonic tongue to get used to speaking in English. For now you have to rely on your telepathic powers in order to convey your thoughts." Dartz answered.

"People don't have to be telepathic to hear you. Just sometimes it is easier if they do possess telepathy. Almost everyone whom has been blessed with magic have this power." the Paradox brothers stated in unity.

"Dartz there is still one thing I don't understand, how come we are the ones who are destined to bring magic back into the world?" asked Atem.

"Originally it was your father's job but since Zorc had killed them both, their rights, powers, and responsibility have been passed onto you two. Zorc has all ready killed almost everyone whom has magic within them. The only ones who have any magic left are the ones that you have meet on your journey." replied Dartz.

"Even the elders are gone. If Yugi is to remain in your world then magic has to be reborn. This world is slowly merging with your world. Unfortunately no one has noticed the change yet but, they will soon. This is why we need someone from that realm to help user in the age of magic." added in the Paradox brothers. What everyone had said made sense. Demons weren't supposed to exist in the world that Yugi and Atem came from. Magic is what cursed Yugi and was holding him to his present form. Who could tell what would happen to Yugi without magic to hold him together. After their short break both Atem and Yugi continued in their training until night fall.

"You are both welcomed to stay here until you feel that you no longer need your training. Eventually you both will have to face against Zorc and his army." stated Dartz as both Yugi and Atem took him up on his offer. They just hoped that they could live up to every bodies expectations.

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