3- the first victim

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3 - the first victim

Yugi flew away from his house and family afraid of what he wanted to do to them. Power and darkness vibrated his very being that it took most of his willpower alone to leave the house. Yugi flew over head heading towards the mountains were he could hopefully find some caves to rest in. Once over head of the forest, Yugi lost control over himself as he spotted a young deer. Yugi swooped down quickly before the deer had a chance to escape. His clawed hands and feet digging into the deer sending blood spraying over Yugi's naked body. His scythed tail dug into the deer ripping it open as Yugi grabbed chunks of raw meat from out of the deer as he began to devour the deer. The smell of blood and fresh meat filled Yugi's senses as he picked the carcass clean leaving only the skin and bones behind. Yugi lept back into the sky finding a cave in the mountain. Yugi landed on his hind legs walking into the cave where he proceeded to lay down with his tail and wings wrapped around his body. Slowly the demon fell asleep.

Atem picked up the mess in Yugi's room as he then sat on his little brother's bed. The strange book laid on a table as Atem fully explained everything that he had witnessed to his grandfather showing him the warning page of the book. Atem picked up a picture of him and Yugi from when they were still kids with their mother when she was alive. Both Yugi and Atem looked exactly like their mother.

"I am sorry mom, I failed. Now I have no clue to where Yugi is ans how I can even save him. According to this book there is no way to lift this curse from Yugi. But this doesn't mean that I won't give up, I will find a way to save him. Please watch after Yugi and keep him safe until I find a way to save him from this curse that has transformed him into a demon." Atem cried out loud as he placed down the picture and picked up an old ratty looking teddy bear that Atem had given Yugi when he was very little. Atem laid down curling up on Yugi's bed holding the bear close to his chest as he cried himself to sleep.

In Atem's dreams he could see his demonic looking little brother attacking his friends and family while being commanded by a man that was cloaked in the shadows. When Yugi lept at Atem to attack his brother, Atem woke up bolting upright screaming. His body was drenched in sweat. The dream felt way too real to be a dream. Atem panted as he sat up right in the bed. The book still laid by the bedside table as Atem proceeded to get out of Yugi bed going to the bathroom his face. Atem had made up his mind that he would go around town looking for anyone and/or anybody who knew about this cursed book. Atem walked to his room changing out of his clothes and getting dressed into a new pair. He then went back to Yugi's room taking the mysterious book with him downstairs. As Atem went into the kitchen, he found a note tapped on the refrigerator door written is his grandfather's handwriting.

'Atem I went out to track down anything I can find out about that book. Hopefully may also find a way to track down Yugi. Please see what you can find out on your end. Grandpa.' Atem made something quick to eat as he then proceeded to leave the house heading towards town.

The sounds of birds chirping and the warmth of the sun awoke Yugi from his sleep. He stretched out his body like a cat letting out a long yawn. Yugi's stomach rumbled loudly as he realized that he was hungry. Yugi walked towards the cave's entrance as his ears twitched picking up various different sounds. He could hear the buzzing of a walkie talkie coming from the area that he had killed the deer. Need and instinct kicked in as Yugi took to the sky spreading open his winged arms flying towards the sound. His enhanced sight allowed him to see a park ranger examining the deer carcass. Yugi swooped down rather suddenly zipping past his prey making sure the man was alone. It didn't seem to matter to Yugi when he saw the man was armed with a hunting riffle. Yugi zipped back around catching the man off guard slashing at the man as he landed close by. The park ranger scrambled back to his feet bleeding from the scratches that Yugi had slashed across his chest. The ranger shot Yugi dead center with three bullets as the demon remained unmoved. Dark energy poured over the wounds driving the bullets out from his body as the wounds magically healed. Yugi let out a low guttered snarl as he lept at the man when he turned to run away when he saw Yugi. Yugi landed on top of the man as his scythed tail slit the man's throat killing him instantly. The smell of fresh kill proved too great for Yugi to ignore as he proceeded to rip into the man using his claws, teeth, and tail. Part of Yugi's consciousness had emerged back through when he realized what he had done. Yugi let out a long loud guttered howl as tears of blood streaked down his face.

*No I actually killed someone. What in the world is happening to me?* Yugi snarled in his mind before he lept away taking back to the sky heading back to the cave that had now become his home.

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