Chapter 2- I'm Not Maddie!

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Mackenzie's POV:

"Higher Mackenzie! Higher!" Abby screamed as I did my grand jete. I launched into a turn sequence, and she shouted again "Push! Faster! Faster!" I ended, on one knee, sweating.  

"Mackenzie, why can't you be more like Maddie? She hit those turns when she was 13!" 

"I'm sorry, Miss Abby." 

"Kenzie, I just want you to be the best you can be. You are a junior in high school! People are looking at you. Not just people, but colleges. Juilliard! Look at Paige and Chloe!" 


"Alright, good job kid. Send Lyla in. Go to tap!" 

"Thanks, Miss Abby."  


I ran out, and told Lyla, my bestie, to go in. I pulled off my jazz shoes, and ran to Studio B for tap. After dance, I hopped in my convertible. When I went to set my dance bag down, I practically screamed. 

"Oh my god, Dylan. You scared me." 

"Sorry, Boo." 

"That's ok." I said, and kissed his nose. 

"You know, my parents are out of town this weekend, an day sister left for the night." 

"Oh, did they?" 


"Dylan Benjamin Jones, are you inviting me over?" 


"I accept. Just let me call my mom and tell her." 


I dialed my moms phone, and she agreed, telling me to be sure I stay out of trouble. We went to his house, and I stole some clothes from Lyla. Yup, Lyla is his sister. I pulled on a huge tee and some pink leggings. When I walked downstairs, Dylan was sitting on the couch, with my favorite movie, Tangled, playing. I sat next to him. 

"Thanks, Dylan." 

"I'd do anything for you, babe." 

I kissed his lips, and he pulled me onto his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist. We added some tongue action. 

"How about we move this to my bed?" He asked. 

"That sounds amazing." I said. He carried me bridal style up to his bed. He shut the door, and I was already in nothing but a bra and underpants. 


I woke up, next to Dylan, without clothes. He stirred, and turned to face me. 

"That was amazing." He said. 

"No, you're amazing." I said, and kissed his nose. I got dressed, and went downstairs. I started breakfast, glad it was finally Sunday, my day off. Soon, Lyla walked in, looking tired. 

"Oh, hey Kenz." 

"How was your night?" I asked her. 

"Good. I was at Elliot's house." 

"Did you get a little wink wink action?" I asked. 

"Maybe..." She said, winking at me, "How about you?" 


"We are both pretty awesome." 

"Yeah, only you don't have to live up to your amazing sister." 

"Another though day with Abby yesterday?" She asked, pulling a barstool to the bartop in the kitchen counter.  

"Yes. She screamed at me again. I believe her exact words were 'Maddie could hit those turns at 13!'' 

"Oh, Boo. I'm sorry." 

"It's ok." I said, cutting up some honeydew and cantaloupe. 

"She's just jealous of you, because you're everything she never got to be. Besides, you are way different than Maddie." 

"Thanks, Ly. I should probably go." I said, and kissed Dylan as he can end own the stairs. I drove him, thinking. I missed Maddie. I decided to visit her in NYC. I called my mom, and when I got home, I bought plane tickets to NYC.

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