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(( Hey guys! This is my first ever fan fiction! I hope you guys like it and I hope I add enough action and drama and stuff for you guys to enjoy! I accept any ideas in the comment boxes! Or  you can personally message me!! ^-^ ))

                                                 ************Skylar's POV****************

"Why do you have to be so different Skylar! Why cant you be like your sister April! She's so nice and.....NORMAL!!!" my mom shouted at me.

"Because I'm not April! I'm me mom! I wanna be someone who changes something!! I wanna be different from what you call perfect!!!" My eyes started brimming with tears as we fought once again over the fact that I listen to "weird music" and I dye my hair various colors and I have piercings and a tattoo.

"You need to stop listening to that stupid band!!! And stop getting all these pointless tattoos! You need to be NORMAL!!! Did I do something wrong! Why cant you just be a normal daughter that has a good relationship with her mother?! I wanted a normal family! What did I do wrong!?" my mom said once again using that stupid card where she cries just to make me feel bad. I'm way to used to it by now though...

"Well lets see what you did wrong! You favor April over me all the time! You pay no attention to me unless you see new scars on my wrist or I come home with another piercing!! You abuse me all the time!!! You don't care about me!!! You don't love me!! You almost put me up for adoption when I was twelve mom!!! You are a fucking horrible mother!! Do you realize things now?! I'm 17 and I'm more mature than my own mother!! One of these days I'm going to leave and never come back! I'll make it big and you'll be here asking me for everything!" I screamed at her. I always hated talking about her like that....I mean she is a horrible mom and everything but she still gave birth to me....ugh whatever.

"Shut up! How dare you talk to me like that!!" She raised her hand and brought it down hard on my cheek. I fell onto my knees and started crying. My face stung like crazy. I got up before she could hit me again and ran upstairs holding the cheek she slapped me on.

I sat in the corner of my room bawling my eyes out from the physical and mental pain my mother has always caused me....My dad died when I was eight. He's the only one who ever cared about me...

(( Well. I hoped you liked the chapter! Poor Skylar right? Warning some pars later in this fanfiction might make you cry :'(   but I hope you enjoyed!!! VOTE COMMENT FAN and SHARE!! Pretty please?? ~ BVB_Bride))

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