Can We Go Home Yet?

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                                 *********Andy's POV********** 

We got to the hospital within 10 minutes. Damn CC....

I still wasn't fully awake but when CC told me that her heart had stopped I jumped up and got dressed. I hope she was ok......

We walked into the hospital. Everyone was extremely tense. All the guys thought of Skylar as a little sister. If anything were to happen to her we would all be miserable and lost. I really hope Sky is ok....

                          *****************Ashley's POV***************

I was still outside of Sky's room when the doctor came out looking kinda cheerful again and not so sorrowful.

"Well good news Ashley, we got Skylar's Heart going again and she actually woke up. She's in a daze right now so she's a little off. You may go back in now. You should talk to her, when she woke up at first all she wanted was to know you were ok." The doctor said with a warm smile.

I smiled and stood up. "Thank you. And the rest of the guys are coming soon...just letting you know." I walked into the room after the doctor walked away. When I got in there Sky was sitting up somewhat and when she saw me she smiled that breath taking smile of hers. I smiled back and walked over to her. I sat on the edge of her hospital bed and leaned over to hug her.

"Hey Sky." I said "You scared the living shit out of me when your heart stopped." I said and laughed a little.

"I'm sorry. Your ok right?....and What about Andy and Jake and CC and Jinxx.....they are all ok right?..." She said kinda nervously and she looked a little worried.

"Hey calm down ok? Don't worry they are all fine, a few bruises here and there but nothing major. You should stress so much you just got out of a coma..." I said.

"Sorry I cant help it." She said with a half smile.

Just then Andy and the guys walked in.

"Your ok!" They all said with a sigh of relief. Sky giggled.

"Well I am now." She smiled at them.

"Good." Andy smiled.

"Yeah we would've been lost without you Skylar." CC said with a smile. Nobody but me called her Sky, not because she didn't want them to or because I didn't want them to it was just a thing that I've called her ever since we met and they just feel weird calling her Sky.

"Yupperz" We all agreed. She giggled at the weird word we used.

"So um I have a question..." She said.

"What is it Sky?" I said with a smile.

"When can I get out of this hell hole.....hospitals freak me the hell out." She said shuddering.

"Well I can go ask the nurse." Andy said.

"Pretty please?" Sky said with puppy dog eyes. Andy laughed and walked out to find the nurse or doctor which ever one would know when she can get out of this place.

                           *************Andy's POV************

When I saw Skylar and she was awake finally I was so happy! When I saw her beautiful smile after all those days I couldn't help but smile too. I'm glad she's finally awake. I could tell Ash is excited too. Now if I could only find this damn doctor so I can fin out when Skylar can come home. I really hope it is soon. We all really miss her. I personally can't wait to go home. Like actual home, not a hotel or the bus just home. The guys and I share a house together and we all decided that Sky needs a room to herself so while we are away at tour we've been having some stuff done to the extra room in the house. We put all her favorite things in it and decorated it perfectly according to Skylar's taste. I cant wait for her to see it!

I finally found the doctor.

"Hey um I have a question about Skylar." I said.

"Ok what is it?" she said back.

"When will she be released from the hospital?" I asked hoping it would be soon.

"Hmm well." She looked down at her clip board that I assumed had Skylar's information on it. "She should be able to leave tomorrow. I take it you boys are eager to have her home again?" She smiled and looked back up at me.

"Yeah we are. Thank you so much." I said and walked back to the room.

"Oh Skylar!" I said "You can go home tomorrow." I said walking into the room with a smile.

"Really!? Thank god!" She said with relief and a smile.

"Yay!!!!" all the guys and I shouted together.

"Guys! Hush! People are sleeping!!" Skylar said in a loud whisper and giggling at our happiness. She is so adorable!

                        **********Skylar's POV***********

All the guys came up to me and hugged me the best they could. This bed is really uncomfortable. I could tell the guys were really happy when they saw me awake. I cant wait to get out of this place though...I really hate hospitals just the thought that people died in this exact room makes me feel like the same will happen to me.....

"Hey guys..." I said.

"Yeah Sky?" Ash said. Everyone looked at me with curiousity.

"Well I was thinking. Do you think you could bring me clothes....This gown thingy is annoying." I said and giggled.

"Yeah sure. Is there anything specific you want?" Andy said.

"Well if you could I want to wear my Sleeping With Sirens tank top and my black shorts with the zippers on them and my converse with spikes on the back? Pwetty pwease Andy?" I said with a giggle and puppy eyes.

He laughed a little "Sure thing." He said with a smile.

"yay!" I giggled. I've been smiling so much since I've been with these guys. They are all really cool and I'm really happy with them. They are so much fun. I feel like I'm forgetting about something though........TJ!! Oh my god I forgot about her! She's probably worried sick!!

"What's wrong Sky?" Ash said looking at me with concern. I must've looked worried kinda.

"Well I forgot to tell my best friend were I've been for these past weeks....She's probably worried sick about me. Can I see your phone?" I asked talking kinda fast.

"Yeah here." Ash said and tossed it to me. I caught it and unlocked his phone. I quickly dialed TJ's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pllleeeaaassssseeee pick up...." I said to myself. She better pick up soon.

"Yellow! You've reached TJ's voicemail! Please leave a message after the beep!" I heard TJ's cheerful voice in her voicemail.

"Shit." I said and hung up. "Guys we have to go back to my town so that I can make sure she's ok." I said to the guys.

"Yeah ok. When?" Andy said.

"Soon...." I said. I hope she hasn't done anything stupid. I know the shit she has to go through at home....

"ok. Well how about Thursday?" Ash said looking at the guys to confirm it. They all nodded in agreement. Today is Tuesday so basically we go the day I'm released from this hell hole. I really hope she's ok....

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