Let Me Stay.....I Can't Go Back

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((Soooo I am really enjoying writing this fanfiction. I've read a lot of fanfics and they have inspired me to write this one. I really hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I am just writing it.))

                          *********Skylar's POV*********

After awhile of crying in Ashley's arms he went to check if I could go with him and the rest of BVB because I told Ash about my past. He seemed like he wanted to cry when I told him about my past...I felt horrible just talking about it. I felt as if I could trust Ashley with anything. I felt like I had known him my whole life, it was a nice feeling.

                         ********Ashley's POV********

I went to the bus to see if the guys were there. When Sky calmed down enough to talk I asked her about her past. When she told me I felt like I was going to cry. It was so sad. I got to the bus and walked in but the guys weren't there.. Where could they be?....I had to get back to Skylar before something happened. I walked around the possible places I could think that they would be. I still couldn't find them. I finally gave up and went back to where Skylar was. Before I even got half way there I saw Andy, Jinxx, Jake and CC so i started to walk over to them. I could see that they had someone with them. It was a girl and she was on Andy's back. It was Sky. I walked over to them. "Hey guys. I see you found Sky..." I smiled over at her. "Yeah they found me." She giggled. She seemed pretty comfortable with the guys. "Yeah. She told us everything and yeah we agree she should stay with us Ash." Andy said and smiled.

                      **********Andy's POV********

A while ago the guys and I went to go see what happened to Ash since he was gone so long and when we got backstage we saw this girl, Skylar. She told us everything about her past and about how Ashley was gonna ask if I could stay and we agreed. How could we let her leave and go back to that horrible place....

                    ***********Skylar's POV**********

We finally found Ashley and I was on Andy's back because I was still dizzy. He carried me until we found Ash and they all started talking. I wasn't paying much attention. This was so surreal. I cant believe that i just met all my idols and they wanted me to come with them on the rest of their tour. I started to feel dizzy again. I slowly fell asleep because they were just talking forever.

                      ************Andy's POV*************

"Hey she's getting kinda heavy. You wanna take her Ash?" I said. I had a feeling she was asleep. We had been talking for a while and I think she was tired to begin with.

"Yeah sure." Ashley said and walked over to me. He went behind me and got Skylar off of my back. He walked back to where he was standing with Skylar in his arms bridal style. Ya know they might make a cute couple someday....

"Hey we should probably get back to the bus." I heard CC say.

"Yeah we should. C'mon guys." I agreed and we all started to walk to the bus.

*******A few minutes later while on the bus********

******still Andy's POV******

"Shouldn't we find a way to get her stuff from her house guys?" Jinxx piped up from the chair across from the couch I was sitting on.

"Yeah we should.." Ash said. "But how exactly are we going to do that?...."

"By sneaking her inside.....One of us will wait outside her window for her to drop her bags and then we'll take her stuff back to the bus and she'll come out and also go back to the bus safe and sound..." I said with a smile.

"You make that sound easier than it actually will be....One of us should go inside with her just in case her mom tries to pull anything..." Ash said.

"Yeah true." CC said.

"I vote Ashley to go in with her!" Jake said. Soon everyone agreed to what he said.

"Why me?...." Ash asked.

"Because you like her!!" CC yelled playfully at him and laughed. Ash just fidgeted. "I do not..." He said quietly. "Yes you do." I said and laughed a little. I wasn't sure how I felt about Ashley liking Skylar......

Truth is......when I first saw Skylar.....She looked so scared. It was sad. But she is a really sweet girl.....I guess the real truth is that I like Skylar.......

((Ohhhhhh!!! CLIFFHANGER!!!! What now!? LOL XD but anyways....I though this would add to the drama and suspence.....who do you think would make a cuter couple?? Skyley or Andlar....ok those are horrible but I tried XD I wanna know your guys' opinions!!!! ))

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