Found Covered In Liqiud Scarlet

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                             ***********Ashley Purdy's POV*********

The guys and I just finished the concert and now we were backstage. I put my guitar away and all the boys started to get changed and stuff.

"Hey guys. I'll be back soon, I'm gonna go get some fresh air you guys stink." I said with a laugh as I joked around with them.

"Ok. See ya Ash, we'll probably be on the bus by the time you get back." I heard Andy say while he was washing off his paint.

"Ash your probably just going to look for a chick." CC said with a laugh. We all laughed and I went out the door. It was kinda warm outside but it was nice. I started to just walk around a little when I say a trail of deep red liquid. It was blood....

I fallowed it, worried about what could've happened. The blood led me straight to a girl.....She was passed out in a puddle of her own blood....

"Holy shit...." I said. She had to be pretty badly hurt. I rushed over to her not really caring if I got blood on my boots and went to pick her up. I carried her back inside the venue.

              **********Tiffany's POV*********

I was still looking for Skylar for like an hour around the stadium. I couldn't find her anywhere! I was so worried! I actually started biting my nails again and I haven't done that since like 6th grade.....

Where could she be!!???

I was so frantic I started tearing up. I ran around to people outside the stadium asking if they might have saw her...none of them did.

        *************Ashley's POV**********

When I got back into the stadium all the boys were gone. They were in the bus already. All I could think about was the bleeding girl in my arms. I put her on a table and tried to find things I could clean her up with. A security guard came in and saw how frantic I was. When I saw him I told him about the girl and how I found her and that she needed help. He ran and grabbed a first aid kit and he started to clean her deep wounds. I couldn't stop thinking about what could've happened to her.....

After like 30 minutes the security guard was done and he told me to just leave her be for a little while and that she would wake up soon. I could tell she lost a lot of blood.

Even with all those cuts and bruises on her she was actually really beautiful. Her hair was naturally jet black and her skin was a pale color and she was quite short but it was cute. Her hair was in a scene style whish fit her perfectly.  She was also very skinny.....

I sat in the room on the floor for awhile making sure I was there when she woke up....

          *************Skylar's POV*************

I slowly started to wake up. I felt a sharp pain in my head. I started to remember what had happened to me and sat up too fast and got really dizzy.

"Ow...fuck..." I said looking around while sitting on a table. I had absolutely no clue where I was until I saw him....

It was in Ashley Purdy.....from Black Veil Brides.....what was he doing here?....

I winced at the pain in my ribs. God I hurt like hell everywhere...

           **************Ashley's POV***********

My head shot up from the game I was playing to look at the girl. "Hey, your finally awake...Are you ok?" I asked. She looked scared. I felt really bad for her...."What's your name?" I asked her with a reassuring smile. "S-Skylar....." She said. Her voice shook like she wanted to cry. "Skylar, that's a  very pretty name." I said trying to cheer her up. "Are you ok though?...." I asked once again. I couldn't get over how scared she looked. She was like a little girl stuck in a nightmare, so small and fragile, It made me want to protect her from everything. She smiled a bit at my comment. "Thanks......And yeah I'm ok...." She said with a faint smile. I was relieved that she was ok. "Well Skylar.....Do you mind if I call you Sky?" I smiled once more. I was trying to make her feel more comfortable around me.....trying to gain her trust so she wasn't so afraid. "No...I don't mind...." She said. "I-I'm sorry....." I heard her say almost a whisper. I was confused. "For what?...You don't need to be sorry for anything." I said. "I'm sorry I caused you trouble....I mean your the one who found me right?....I'm sorry for that....You really didn't have to take care of me....or stay here or even be as nice as you are being right now....I'm not worth it....." She said and I could tell by the way she was fidgeting that she wanted to cry. I walked over and hugged her. "Skylar, I was actually worried about you. I wasn't going to leave you there to die. And what do you mean your not worth it?...." I said. "My mom...and sister say I'm worthless....and my mom beats me.....please don't make me go back to her....please....." she begged and started to cry. I felt horrible for her. "Shhh Sky its ok. You don't have to go back. You really don't ok?....I promise..." I said calming her down. "You can come with me if you want don't have to go back." I said. "Really?...." she said sniffling. "Th-thank you Ashley....." She said quietly.

(( Soooo how do you guys like it so far??? I think its really good personally. Remember to VOTE COMMENT AND FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))

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