Chapter eleven: How you Remind me...

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A/N: Guys I'm soooooo sorry for the late update. I'm a terrible person.. :( Please expect more chapters quickly in the near future! Also, my Wattpad app as been acting strange lately :( But anyways... On to the story!!!!!!

! IMPORTANT NOTE: IF YOU LISTEN TO "How You Remind Me" Covered by Avril Lavigne when I tell you it will be perfect <3 !

Mia's P.O.V.

"Louis!" I screamed, chasing after him. "Can I please talk to you?" I frowned when I noticed nothing but an abandoned sidewalk when I turned the corner.

"Dammit," I cuss lightly under my breath.

I look up at the clouds, noticing them settling in the west, bring darkness not far behind it.

"Louis? If you're out there.... Nevermind." I muttered. I feel like an idiot for probably talking to nothing.

"Mia.." I hear whispered behind me. I turn around quickly, before being pulled into a dark area between two buildings.

I kick an scream in horror.

"Mia stop! It's me Louis!" He calls out.

"Well bloody hell Lou! I thought you were a molester!" I growl.

He gives me a slight laugh, than his face when back to its emotionless way.

"I can't let anyone see that.." His voice trailed off.

"I agree... Harry will be mad," I frown.

I notice Louis' jaw tighten at the mention of Harry's name, as if he was ready to snap.

"Eh, yeah.... But I don't want to make it seem like I chasing after my bes- uh, chasing after my bandmate's ex-girlfriend." Louis explains.

"I'll be the whore of the year..." I mumble.

"Hey, don't tear yourself down like that, you're nothing but a good person okay? You have no reason to think that." Louis snaps a little to sharply.

"Since when did you ever care about me so much?" I snap back, more aggressively than Louis had.

"Ever since I fell in love with you!" He yells, I can tell his face go blank as soon as the words slip.

"W-what?" Was all I could manage to say.

Louis face falls even more, his normal tan skin fading into a pale white. His piercing blue eyes draining from their fun color, to a dull gray, casting no emotion.

"Louis?" I ask, my words flowing out ever so softly.

"Mia.." He whispers. His face reaches closer to mine, as if he was about to whisper a secret, but before he was too close, he ran. His thin legs picking up the pace as I turned around.

I watched his figure disappear into the darkness, leaving me alone to find my way back home...


I sat there, just sat there. Staring at the white wall in front of me. Not moving for hours.... The only thing that forced me to get up was the ringing of my cell phone, which was charging out in the kitchen.

I pretty much drag myself to the kitchen, reaching my cell phone just in time.

"Hello?" I  groan into the phone effortlessly.

"Mia?" I heard a raspy, British voice speak.

"Harry?" I ask, a little unsure.

"Please, something's wrong with Louis." He begins, his voice frantic and full of fear.

"What do you mean?" I said, my heart racing after every second that passes.

"I- He won't talk to anyone! He's talking to himself,  crying, sitting emotionless.... I haven't seen him... But the buys have told me." Harry's voice quivers.

"I'll be over soon." I tell him, hanging up the phone, rushing downstairs, faster than I ever thought possible. 


I reached the hotel within minutes, not even paying attention to the stares I was receiving.

I didn't even bother to take the elevator, I didn't want to waste any more time than I have.

"Mia!" Harry shouts, running towards me.

"Where's he at?" I ask.

"In his roo-" I didn't wait for him to finish, I just walked in.


I looked and saw a motionless Louis staring at the ceiling.

"Go away..." Louis' sniffs.

"Louis...." I whisper, my voice choking up at the sight of him.

His hair pulled in multiple directions. His face wet with tears.

"Mia..." His voice called out, barely audible.

He sat up straight, looking deeply into my eyes. "I'm s-sorry..."

I walk slowly to him, not daring to say a word. He looks at me intently. Eyeing everyone of my moves closely.

"What are you doing h-here?" He whispers.

"I want you to be happy," I whisper back, my eyes staring deeply into his crystal blue ones. Each one were shining from the thin layer of tears covering them.

"I don't deserve happiness......" He trails off.

I never really noticed what depression was up close. What it was like to see someone hurting. He reminds me of who I really am. A depressed girl. A depressed girl who realized that all she needed was........... Love...............

I didn't even notice how close our lips were until they finally touched.

I had finally realized what the words passion, pain, and love had meant.... All in one movement.

Our lips moved in perfect sync. It's like we were showing every emotion we felt in one, magical kiss.

I pulled away, leaving our faces just centimeters apart.

"Mia? Louis?" A voice cries behind us.

Louis' head snaps up, "H-Harry....."

I've begun to realize that everyone breaks.... Like glass shattering on the cold, cement of a kitchen floor. Just shattered... In a million pieces.

That's how Harry looked... Broken.

Hi!!!! I'm terribly sorry that I haven't posted in a while. But........... 2000+ reads!?! Holy crap guys!! I love you soooooooooo much! I will have the next chapter up Monday ^__^ xoxo MWAH. ~A

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