How It All Started

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Chapter 1

How It All Started

Kathryn just finished college when their father died. She was used to all the luxury life could offer. They own one of the biggest communications company in Japan with branches all over the Philippines.

She never paid any interest in managing the company. It was always Kevin who was besides their dad. Her passion is in creative arts. She likes acting, drama and theater. She always wanted to pursue Broadway. She has been given the opportunity to cast in some Broadways abroad but she always gets a mediocre role. It was a good thing her family supported her.


They are all in the study room with Kevin sitting across her, then there's John Valle on her right, reading some papers. The air in the room is shouts unfamiliarity and she was wondering why she was asked for a meeting.

Kuya, may I know why am I here? You know I hate to meddle in business talks. What's up anyway? Kathryn asked.

I know Kath but we need to talk. John Valle is here to fully explain things to you cause I'm afraid I won't be able to fully explain it by myself, Kevin told her.

How are you Kath? John Valle asked Kathryn with a smile. The animosity behind that smile troubles Kathryn but she kept it to herself.

I'm okay but still confuse why am I here, she gave them a questioning eye.

John Valle gave her a quick look before proceeding, "I hope Kevin already informed you about the status of the company.. Well, for about a year, we really tried to save it but given you only have 50% of the shares, we can only do so much. We've been trying to set up an appointment with Mr. San Juan to talk him out of selling his shares. We were lucky to get an appointment with him last week but we were only able to talk to his lawyer Atty. Lee. We laid out our plan and asked him to relay it to Mr. San Juan and we were able to get his reply yesterday," John Valle wave the folder he was holding.

Kathryn still don't understand why they need her presence. So she just waited for John Valle to continue to talk. There is something about this meeting that deeply troubles Kathryn, she knew something is up but she hold it in and tried to focus.

Kevin answered her questions that she have in mind. "Kath, you are here because you are... " Kevin is having a hard time finishing his sentence. There's something in the way her brother kept on avoiding her eyes. It seems as though he's trying to run to a certain goal but fail and unable to catch his breath in the middle. It was hard seeing her brother like that.

John Valle continued to save Kevin from the situation, " I think you need to read this first so you can see for yourself." John Valle handed her the folder.

She accepted it and tried to read each page:

Kevin was asking Mr. San Juan to give them up to 5 years to fully manage the company and bring it to its feet again so they can buy his shares. At the present time, they are still struggling and don't have enough finances to buy out the shares of Mr. San Juan.

Unfortunately, Mr. San Juan refused to give in to Kevin's demand and instead gave his own terms.

He is willing to give Kevin another year to bring the company up and produce enough money to buy out his shares. She read about 3 pages full of technical and business terms she's not sure what the meanings were. In her mind, she somehow knew that it will be impossible to bring the company back up in such a short time. Down to the last page, Mr. San Juan offered another option and it was written in one sentence.

"Let me marry your sister and I'll let you have the company, no questions asked."

Kathryn was dumbfounded. She keeps on blinking her eyes in disbelief.

Am I reading this correctly? Kathryn's eyes are still locked on the piece of paper..

"Kuya, you are kidding right? Who the hell is he to bargain me?" Kathryn was furious.

She stormed out of the study room, got her keys and drove away.

Kathryn: I need to get out of here. Who the hell he think he is? I haven't even seen his face and from the looks of it, he might be as old as my dad! For goodness sake.

Kevin was trying to call Kathryn but she keeps on ignoring his call. He already asked Denise to search for her in the mansion as well as check her condo. She is nowhere to be found...


John Valle and Denise Go accompanied Kevin in drinking.

They were at the patio with the Bernardo's mansion standing proud behind them. Kevin looked at the Mansion that was built by their father. It was his legacy. It was not just a place but a home to him and Kathryn.

"I don't want to do this to Kath, and I don't want to force her in getting into situation she doesn't like. She has always been our princess and we loved her dearly. But I know dad would not want to lose the company especially to someone we don't know," Kevin blurted out in between sipping his can of beer.

John Valle and Denise Go shared glances and they tried to comfort their friend.

"I know, but we also know that 1 year won't be enough for us to raise enough money to buy out the remaining shares." John Valle softly said.

"Kathryn needs time to take in everything that has happened. Just let her be.. She loved your Dad but it will still be her decision whether to marry Mr. San Juan or not," Denise contributed.


Kathryn parked her car in front of the beach. It's a good thing its already past midnight, no one seems to be around.. She has been driving for hours and her eyes are all red due to crying.

She stepped out of the car, removed her sandals and as she made her first step on the sand, it somehow gave her the feeling of ease. She decided to take a stroll along the beach with the moon above her shinning so brightly as if trying to highlight her fear and inner feelings.

The soft wind continually blows her hair, and gently touches her now puffy face. The smell of the sea engulf her as she wander in deep thoughts.

I don't know what to feel... I love my dad and I know that the company is everything for him.. but I don't think I can marry out of my will..

Then she thought, "Dad and Kuya Kevin gave their lives to me. I had everything I wanted eversince I was a child. They supported me in everything that I do, no questions asked. I know how much they love the company. Dad spent his life building and managing the company from scratch. This is the first and maybe the last thing I could do for them..."

"I'm sorry Dad.. I'm sorry Kuya.. I really don't know what to do." she found a spot and decided to sit down. The waves are touching the hem of her long dress which she didn't mind.

She cried and cried until morning...

Kathryn woke up to the bright light that's blinding her eyes.. "oh, it's morning already...," she sadly looked at sea with its waves softly brushing the sands as if imitating what she feels.

With one last look at the sea, Kathryn has decided...


(Thanks for reading... This is just the beginning... Please share your thoughts... :)

***Sorry if Daniel is not yet introduced... He's coming in Chapter 2...)

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