The First Step

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Austin's POV:

Me and Ally's hands touched while we cleaned the floor. I think she felt the same thing I did because she stopped and looked up. All i could do was smile. Then her phone began to ring.

"Hey Aunt Dime," she answered. "All right, I'll be home around 9:30. Yes ma'am. Love you too, bye," She finished and hung up.

"I need to be home by 9:30," she said.

"Can do," I winked, checking the time on my phone. It was 8:00.

"Oh, but could you take me to the Sonic Boom first? I left my homework there earlier."

"Yeah," I nodded.

We decided to leave and head back to the Sonic Boom, cracking jokes the whole way there.

"....and then the monkey said, 'banana!'" I laughed as we entered the store. Ally was cracking up too, but she stopped when she noticed Trish stacking boxes. She turned to look at us.

"Were you guys on a date??" She asked observing us closely.

"N-no!" Ally tried to say, but I came to her rescue.

"We are just hanging out before I leave."

"Suuuuuure," Trish said in a mocking tone. Ally shook her head.

"What are you doing here, Trish?" She asked.

"I decided to leave some nice things I've done for you in your head while I'm gone, so I sorted these boxes," Trish explained.

"That's so sweet Trish, thank you!" Ally smiled happily running up to her best friend for a hug.

After there embrace, I suggested that I take Ally home before it got too late. She agreed that it was time to go. She grabbed her homework off the counter and started looking for the key to the store.

"I'll lock up the store for you Ally. You two go on," Trish suggested.

"Thanks again Trish," Ally said as we exited the store.

Once at her house, she didn't get out right away.

"I had a great time," she smiled and looked at me. I could feel my heart beat get a little faster.

"Me too," I replied tempted to put an arm around her.

"Thanks Austin, for everything. See ya tomorrow?" She asked.

"For sure."

I wanted to do something that I wouldn't normally do. I didn't know what, but I wanted to do something. Looking at Ally's sparkling eyes made my stomach turn in knots. I had to make a move.

So I grabbed her hand, and squeezed it. Just then she glanced at the time.

"Oops it's 9:40!" She gasped, gathering her things and opening her door.

"Bye Ally!" I called just before she shut the door. She smiled and waved before quickly turning and walking up the path to her house. I smiled to myself. The day had been a success.

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