The engagement

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Kay so this is basically like a filler chapter because the next one has like a ton of suspense. Enjoy. (Oh and btw isn't the ring gorgeous? You never know what the power of Google can do XD)

The new couple had been dating for almost a year. They were the topic that everyone talked about. Legolas adored Valadhiel and she adored him. Thranduil was very pleased with his choice of courting. Everyone in the kingdom was happy, except for Tauriel. She grew with jealousy and evil towards Valadhiel every single day. She still loved Legolas and was determined that he would be hers, and that they were meant to be together.

Valadhiels POV

I woke up to Legolas sitting with a book in an armchair next to my bed.

"Good morning Mellon nin."

"Good morning Legolas." I smiled happily. He bent over to give me a quick peck but pulled away teasingly.

"How could you?" I pouted. He smiled playfully.

"Get up. We have to go somewhere today."


"It's a surprise." He smiled

I stayed in bed as Legolas looked at me weirdly.  "Why aren't you getting up?"

"I'm not getting out of bed until you kiss me." I pouted giving the puppy eyes.

"You promise you'll get out of bed if I do?" He tried to give his most sternly look like many years ago.

I put my hands in surrender "I promise."

After we separated Legolas left for me to change. I changed into a beautiful emerald green gown and put my hair in an intricate bun.  I stepped out of my room as Legolas had done a wardrobe change. He was wearing an emerald green tunic identical to my dress and his hair rebranded.

"You never cease to amaze me." He murmured kissing my knuckles

"How did you get ready so fast?" I asked in amazement

"Well when you have places to go and people to see, you need to know how to quickly get ready so you look presentable."  He chuckled

"So breakfast?" I suggested as he shook his head.

"We have to go somewhere first." He dragged me towards the gardens as it began to snow.

"It's snowing!" I suddenly squealed forgetting about breakfast. Who cares it was snowing!

He shook his head and laughed and got real serious.

"Valadhiel, we have known each other since we were very young. This past year has been amazing. I want to make my life more amazing by spending forever with you. I promise if you promise to stay by my side till the end of my days as I will for you. "

My breath hitched in my throat as he got on one knee.

"Valadhiel, will you marry me?"

6 months later

Valadhiels POV

I woke up with a smile as the door opened revealing two maids.

"Get up miss! We only got a couple hours to get ready for the wedding day!" A maid dragged me out of bed to the bathroom where I quickly but throughly bathed and finally smelling like rose water.

"Come on miss!" A maid banged on the door. Yeesh. These maids took preparation too seriously.  I stepped out as the maids pushed me in a chair and began to braid my hair in an intricate bun.

"You're  all done!"

"Where's the dress?" I asked

"The King himself is bringing it."  A maid squealed as I lifted an eyebrow.  At that moment there was a knock and Thranduil stepped in with the box.

"Is she ready?" He spoke with a smile.

"Yes your highness. "

"Help her with this.  Be gentle with it." He ordered as the maids nodded and helped me slip it on. They finally left leaving me in a beautiful gown.

"Where did you get such a gown?" I asked too shocked

"It was my wife's. She passed away many years ago and it's time that someone else wore it."

"Thranduil I can't accept-"

"Yes you can and you will, I order you to." He said with a smile. I returned it as he placed the veil over my head.

"Your missing one thing...." He pulled out a box that had a golden necklace with emeralds along with matching earrings.

"Don't even try to protest my dear." He grinned as he handed me the earrings.

He stood in front of me when he was done and his eyes welled with tears.

"Over the years you've become like a daughter to me, and I intend for it to stay that way. So, if Legolas hurts you, I will personally give him a beating, though I think he loves you more than life itself."

I smiled with tears of my own as he wiped them away. "Save it for the vows my dear."

We walked towards the doors where the ceremony took place as Thranduil offered me his arm. We walked slowly down the aisle as people gasped. Legolas was the most shocked as a tear slipped from his eyes.

"Mawage Mawage is Wat bwings us togetha today. Mawage, that bwessed awangement.... That dream wifin a dream... And wuv twooo wuv will fowwow you forever. So cherish your wuv.

The ceromony flew by as we were suddenly at the vows. We answered with I promise instead of I do, for those two words were special to us.

"Then I pronounce you man and wife." The clergyman with a speech impediment spoke as we kissed.

We would be together Forever.

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