The point of no return

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So. Many. POTO references.

Legolas's POV

"Well tell me how to save my wife." I snapped very close to losing it



He nodded "bring me something personal of hers. "

I ran into our room and immediately thought of her wedding dress. I brought the box as he nodded in approval and muttered incantations. The dress glowed for some time until it returned to its normal state cleaner than ever.

"We need to hurry were waiting time." He ordered the troops as I came closer

"What did you see?" I ask as he placed his hands on either side.

I saw a large pool of blood and Valdhiel grabbing her stomach. Oh God, the child. I panicked.

"They're safe for now. But not for long."

"Order the horses!-"

"No we take the Eagles. They're much faster. "

I'm coming Valdhiel.

Valdhiels POV

I woke up in a pool of blood and panicked. Am I still..?

I had to be. I shook my head not wanting to believe the worse. Although Serena said I would be protected, it certainly doesn't feel like it. Although the it could be worse. My legs ached as I tried sit up. My arms had stopped bleeding thanks to Serena. I touched my face and felt that my eye area was bruised. Probably a black eye.

Valdhiel. We're coming to save you. Don't give up. I heard a deep but comforting voice.

Legolas. I breathed in relief. He's coming!

Legolas POV

We landed quietly outside the cave. I was anxious to find her.

"We will find her. The rest of you. Separate and look around." Gandalf ordered as we went in. I heard a blood curdling scream as I rushed in. The sight broke my heart. She was beaten, black eyed, cut lip, bloody hair, and bruises and cuts all over her body.

By the valar spare her and give her strength to live. I prayed as I ran forward


"It certainly doesn't work that way my prince." She smirked as she grabbed Valdhiel who was weak, almost unconscious.

I drew my bow ready to aim. "It's king now!" I snarled.

She pulled out a dagger and held it at Valdhiels heart.

"You have a choice Legolas. But in the end someone will pay. "

"That would be YOU!" I hissed

"Do you know what is on this blade?" She asked "the most poisonous snake venom in the lands. One plunge is lethal and can lead to death. So, do you end your days with me or do you send your lover to her grave!-" (points to whoever can tell me where I got this ) "this, is the point of no return."

"Why make him lie to you to save me?" Valdhiel spat out as Tauriel placed the blade further.

Twisted every way what answer can I give?

"Tauriel." I spoke quietly. "Put the blade down. I beg you. Don't kill my wife."

She stood her ground as I put my bow away. "You feel as if no one wants you, unloved, you have to compete. And you've always lost. You need someone who will want you, love you, and give you what you need."

She began to cry as she lessened it. "Yes." She spoke quietly.

"It's time for someone to see you clearer." I spoke trying to find the right words.

"Yes." She spoke.

"Diamonds never sparkle bright if they aren't set just right- we all can't be like Valdhiel-"

"Valdhiel!" She broke down as I began to panic "ALWAYS VALDHIEL ISNT IT!" She screamed as she plunged the knife an inch in before it was drawn out by a sorceress.

"You broke the vow!" She roared


"you made a vow that you wouldn't hurt anyone I care about. You also said that no one would intervene."

"YOU LIED TO ME!" Tauriel screamed as she began to burn into ashes.

"QUICKLY GRAB HER!" Serena yelled as I snatched Valdhiel who was unconscious.

"Valdhiel! NO! STAY WITH ME!" I cried cradling her. I need her. Oh Valar spare her.

What grace has given me may it pass onto her.

"Move. " Serena spoke as she began to heal her injuries. "She's a little better but we need someone with higher skill. "

"I can help." Gandalf spoke. He began to mutter incantations

"Just. Save them both." I choked

"It is done. "

"Why isn't she awake?" I asked

"She is in a coma."

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