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It was one of the most difficult and challenging times for Legolas and Valdhiel, but mostly Legolas.

He would often snap sometimes at the servants as they quickly scurried away. He softened his gaze as he apologized quickly. The servants understood though, he had lost his role model and he was grieving.

The worst was when Legolas tried to shut Valdhiel out. He didn't know how to act around her since she seemed to be in danger due to the note. He thought if he distanced himself from her, she would be in less danger.  But the more he pulled away the harder she tried to help.

For two months this happened until Valdhiel thought she was going to explode.

"I'm off to get some stuff done." Legolas spoke as he quickly tried to move but she stood in front of him.

"I want some answers first."

"Then go to the library." He snapped. He felt guilty, but he was doing it to protect her. He couldn't see her like the last time.

"I want answers from you. Why won't you talk to me? At first I understood, and gave you space but I haven't seen you. I miss you your smile, your eyes. Everything. Stop trying to push me away-"

"I'm doing this to protect you!"

"And I'm looking after you like I promised you and your father!" She yelled back frustrated.

Legolas stopped and stared at her "what?"

"Your father told me to look after you. " she spoke

A moment of silence passed through as Valdhiel stepped forward and grabbed Legolas's hands.

"My love, I know you mean well, and I admire you for it. But you need me, and it's my turn to fulfill my promise and take care of you."

"Forgive me. I don't think I can see you hurt again like the last time. " Legolas embraced her much to her relief.

"You're going to heal Legolas and we're gonna heal together."

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