Hearing voices

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Valdhiels POV

I was walking towards the library where Legolas was waiting for me. The Stars were up and it was after dinner. I was to discuss matters of the castle with him boring stuff. It has only been a few weeks and I wasn't very far along.

I suddenly heard a hissing as I froze in fear. Just like those nights long ago.

That's all over!  My mind screamed don't put me through this!
I entered the library with shaking hands as I grabbed a lantern and looked around for the hissing.

You're going to get it Valdhiel if it's the last thing I do!

I'm coming for you.

The voices echoed in my mind as I tried to close my eyes and shut it out. The memories came flooding back in as I couldn't stop it.

"Oh God. Oh God." I positioned myself in a ball and rocked back and forth. Just make it stop.

"Valdhiel!" Legolas shouted as I snapped out of it. He sighed with relief before hugging me tightly.

"What happened to me?" I croaked

"You were in some sort of trance screaming for me. What happened?"

"It's back. She's back." I trembled.

"No!"  He gasped "she can't be! We searched everywhere!"

"I have a feeling she's much more clever than that."

"Than we will catch her." He spoke.

"Oh no..." The blood drained from my face.

"What?" He asked getting even more worried.

"She's not the only she's after." I whispered in fear for my child.


I felt tears brim as I looked down as he gasped

"She's after our child."

Legolas's POV

Anger filled me as I heard those four words. She couldn't... No... She wouldn't . I had lost my father, I almost lost Valdhiel, and It was happening all over again.

I wouldn't lose my child. 

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