Someone save me!

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Valadhiel POV

I felt the lights come up as I felt like my old self again. I looked for my dagger but I dropped it. I tried the doorknob but it wouldn't work.

"You're not going anywhere!" Michael roared as I stepped back "you are mine!"

"M-Michael, just calm down!" I stepped back towards the window.

"Surrender and you can live." He spoke holding his own dagger.

"To what??? You don't need to fight me!"

"I want you all to myself." He spoke as he stared up and down at me making me feel self conscious. I ran for the window hoping I could jump, it's better than this situation. With two quick strides he swung me around to face him to close for comfort.

"Let go or I'll scream!" I yelled

"There's no one to help you." He smirked

"I beg to differ." I spoke coldly and let out the most fierce some scream I could do. I felt cold lips on mine as I bit his as he immediately let go. I made a run for the window as he snatched me again crushing my hand. I screamed in pain as gag was over my mouth and my hands and feet tied. I was screwed now.

"Your going to wish you never did that!" He grinned wickedly and dragged the blade across my arm. I yelled out in pain as he got deeper and deeper.....

10 minutes later he was done as he crouched to my level. I was surrounded in a large pool of blood, my arms and legs were bloody and my hair matted in blood. He left the dagger in my stomach ready to take out but it wasn't in deep enough to kill me.

"Give up?" He asked

I shook my head as he stood up. I felt pain in my side then another until I realize he was kicking me.  The door broke down as Legolas entered. His eyes were full of sadness and fear but most of all.


"Take him to the dungeon I'll deal with him there." He said coldly.  He rushed over as I cried out of pain.

"Valadhiel." He spoke as he untied me and gently  laid me on the bed.

"Will she live?" Legolas asked frantically

"She took quite the beating. I believe she will, but the treatment is going to hurt. "

I couldn't stop crying because I was in so much pain. I couldn't take any more pain.

The doctor looked at me sympathetically as I grew paler by the second. "This is going to hurt."

He ripped the dagger out as I screamed in so much pain. Then he poured some liquid that burned. I screamed louder and sobbed harder.

"JUST MAKE IT STOP!" I screeched as Legolas had tears flowing of his own he could barely see.  The doctor poured some more liquid on my arms and they felt like they were on fire.  After I was bandaged the doctor stood back.

"It's done." He spoke quietly. "She'll have to stay in bed for a couple weeks."

"Thank you." Legolas spoke hoarsely.

"We need to move her to a different bed."  The doctor spoke quietly


"She'll suffer more if we don't."  The doctor spoke. Quietly.

He nodded as he gently lifted me up causing me to wince in pain. He walked over to another bed and laid me down there and settled next to me. 

"I'm so sorry!" Legolas sobbed as he cradled me in his arms.

"It wasn't your fault. I was hypnotized into going in there. I couldn't defend myself if I wanted to. "

"None of this is your fault." He kissed my forehead as I fell asleep.

Wow you guys.... I felt really bad in this chapter I'm not used to writing violent scenes. Dang. But should Tauriel come back later and get her revenge? Or should this be the end of the book?


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