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Justin was watching me when I woke up. I adored the way he looked in the morning with his messy hair, soft skin and lazy smile.

I smiled back and pulled the covers up as I got more comfortable in bed.

"Good morning." Justin said to me.

"Good morning." I said.

"How are you feeling today?"

I shrugged.

Apart from the small headache I was having, I felt perfectly fine.

"I'm okay."

"Are you sure? You had a blast last night." He tried not to smile by biting his lip.

"Aisha's fault." I blushed.

"You passed out when we got back." He smiled.

"And you got me out of my dress." I noticed that I was in one of Justin's shirts and not my outfit from the night before.

"I wish I'd taken a video last night. You had a lot to say when I was undressing you and putting you to bed." He chuckled.

"What did I say?"

"Well, you sang 'Thinking out loud'... actually, you spoke rather than sang. And then you tried to undress me while I undressed you. For some reason, you thought it was 'sexy time'."

I blushed and covered my mouth as embarrassment came over me.

Justin laughed at my reaction.

I hit his arm.

"Justin, it's not funny." I said.

"It's hilarious, baby."

"No! It's embarrassing. Oh my gosh!"

"That's what happens when you let Aisha be in charge of celebrating. This is why we left my mom's new years eve party without saying goodbye to anyone." Justin smiled.

"I've learned my lesson." I said.

"At least you didn't do anything crazy like... get naked and dance on tables."

I blushed some more.

"Hey, I got an email this morning about the adoption." Justin said.

"What did it say?" I looked at him.

"They want to come and do a home study some time during the week."

"They wanna come over?"

"Yes. Just to meet us and talk to us; ask questions and see what type of people we are and what we can offer."

I swallowed a lump in my throat.

All of a sudden, everything Aisha and Pattie had told me in the past about adoption filled my mind and I was back to panicking.

"Hey." Justin stroked my arm. "Breathe."

I took a deep breath.

"Remember what I said to you? Everything will be okay. We just need to be ourselves." He said.

I nodded.

"I'm just nervous." I said, "I really want this. I really want her to be ours."

"And she will be."

"I just don't want to be denied motherhood again, Justin. I'm so ready this time. I'm sure of it."

"Don't over think it, sweetheart." Justin kissed my forehead. "Look, I'll go make us some breakfast. You go take a shower and we can take it easy all day, okay? So you can relax."

Love Wholeheartedly | JB| a.u | BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now