Why Did She Do It?

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I know I said I was going to update, I am SOOOOOOOOO sorry I didn't! I have been so busy as of recently and it will only get worse so please be patient and understand! I love writing these books but I have been so busy and exahausted, I actually got sick Friday because my body didn't have enough energy to fight it. That says a lot because I don't get sick often. I have been super busy because of school and extra stuff. I have to get up at 6:30 AM and I usually don't get to bed until 11or 12. This will only get worse because I am joining track and soccer, on top of the two clubs and library volunteering I already do. I hope you guys understand why I haven't been able to update much. I put a lot of thought and time into how I think the characters should react and what they should do. This story isn't just made up as I go along, none of them are. I constantly find inspiration to put into my books. I have two shout outs to amazing wattpad authors who have inspired me. cjustme and mommashifter. Enough of my authors notes, enjoy the story!

Pony's POV

I didn't hear from Lacy until the week after our date when she was supposed to tell us who she decided on, even then I didn't HEAR from her. I had to read a darn note, only to find out she was leaving and going away. The only thing going through my head was WHY???? As soon as I found the note I realized there were three, one for me, one for Dally, and one for Soda. I didn't read Soda or Dally's. I assume if they want to share them with me they will. When I found them I went inside and said. Hey, I found three notes on the door. Ones for Soda and ones for you Dall, the third one was for me. Really, who from? Soda asks. From..... There's no easier way to break this to them. From....... Lacy. Well, give mine here Pony. Dally says in a cool voice. I hand Dally's to him, then I hand Soda his. Then I finally look at the note in my hand. This is what it said,


Dear, Pony

I thought a lot about what you said and I want you to know how amazing you are and that any girl would be lucky to have you! I decided you were right, I have really strong feelings for Soda and I don't know how I will live without him, but do me a favor and make sure he moves on. Make sure that he becomes the strong and amazing man I know he is and can be. Make sure he forgets me and moves on to someone who is worth him. Take care of yourself to, its a big world out there. Maybe one day we will meet again, until then I love you Pony. Take care of youself and Soda. I promised myself I wouldnt cry, but look at the tear stains on this note, that's how hard it was for me to leave you guys.



I look at the note and sure enough it is shriveled up, a indicator Lacy wasn't just crying she was bawling. I have to find her. I love Lacy, but not as much as she loves Soda or Soda loves her. I look up at Soda who is crying, he picks up the note Lacy wrote him, balls it up, and throws it away. Then he does the unexpected and punches a whole in the wall, then he falls to his knees and justs cries. After letting him be for a few minutes I walk up and put my hand on his shoulder, but he just jerks away, stands up and walks out the door, slamming it shut on his way out. I could tell from that moment forward he would never be the same. None of us would ever be the same. I pick up Sodas note out of the trash, but don't read it. I know he'll want it later once he's cooled down, but I don't know that he'll ever move on. I know one thing though, I have to help him move on because Lacy made one thing undeniably clear, she is NEVER EVER coming BACK. I cant let Soda throw his life away when she has only proved she couldn't care less about him, that's why she abandoned him after all, right?


Hope you liked this chapter. Please answer the following questions

Do you think Lacy was right to leave?

Do you think Lacy should have given Soda the option to come with her?

Do you think Lacy will come back?

Do you think Pony's right?

Do you think Soda's reaction was reasonable?

How do you think Darry will react to the whole in the wall?

Do you think I need to add more Johnny into this fanfic?

Do you think I have a jampacked schedule?

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