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Hey, so my dad had a surgery and I've been at the hospital, plus I have an exam tomorrow, I'm gonna post this chapdeliriously-cute she gave a great idea for some one shots I will be doing. I'll either make them into other stories, or add them as bonus chapters to this story. If you guys have any ideas for one shots you want me to build on let me know!! This has been a draft, this happened about a month ago, but don't feel like deleting the stuff from above, enjoy.
Lacys POV
"Soda, I.. I can't.. This is too much. I have my reasons for leaving and I still stand by them." I'm on the verge of tears. "Lacy, it's ok! I know your reasons you can come back it will be ok!" "How can you say that? You don't know what my reasons are! What I put in those notes, they were fake!" He stops as if debating what to say next. "I... I know what your reasons are, I know what Two did." I swear my mouth touched the ground. "How... How do you know? No wait, that doesn't matter. It still doesn't change what happened, it still doesn't change why I left." "You wouldn't have to see Two, you can stay at my house. Darry won't mind!" I open my mind to the possibilities and a million doubts flood my mind. "Everyone back home probably hates me! I mean did you here the crap I put in those notes? I was lying through my teeth!" "They do, they do hate you, but if we explain it, it will be ok. If we tell them what happened between you and Two then they will forgive you!" "Soda... I've made a life here for myself and I like it. I just don't know what you want from me, I can't go back. I won't go back, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have come all this way. Why didn't you just believe that note? Why Soda? Things would have been so much easier... For both of us." By this point I'm crying. I feel him take me into his arms. "Lacy, you ARE coming home with me, you ARE NOT going to argue about it, and we ARE gonna work things out together. You know why? Cause I love you." I was gonna reply, but I was so drained from the day that I fell asleep in his arms. Finally being able to rest.

I woke up in a soft bed with my back pressed against a warm, hard chest, and arms wrapped around me. I turned around and saw Soda's face, he looks so peaceful sleeping. I was taking in all of his beauty. Just enjoying being beside him when he opened an eye and chuckled at me. "Morning beautiful." His husky morning voice broke the peaceful silence. "Morning Soda." I tried to get up but he just tighten his grip on me. "Sodaaaaaa" I whined. "I have to pee!" He then opened both his eyes and smirked at me "I don't know about you, but to me that sounds like a personal problem." I smirked right back "It won't be a personal problem when I pee on you." He let me go and I smile down at him victoriously and made my way to the bathroom. When I got there I was relieved I hadn't run into anyone. I was so not looking forward to that. I went back into Soda's room only to see him putting his shirt on. "What are you doing?" I didn't think he'd work today. I was kinda hoping we would spend the day together. "Steve had an emergency so he needs someone at the DX. Don't worry bout it though, Pony and Dallas will be here." I immediately got nervous. They hate me don't they, they have every reason too! I slowly got changed and went downstairs hand in hand with Soda. When we made it I saw the shocked looks of the gang.
I was gonna stop there, but since I haven't updated in a while I might add a little more. 💕 My way of saying thanks for being patient and not giving up on this book or on me. 💕
After a while of awkward silence I decide to finally say something. "Hey everybody." I swear I heard crickets start chirping. I look over at Soda nervously when Dal finally speaks up "Glad to have you back, but I don't appreciate you showing up after what you did so either you leave... Or I do." I look over at Soda the tears forming in my eyes. "You guys be nice. Lacy and I will explain EVERYTHING after JT emergency shift at the DX. Y'all be nice. You'll figure out Lacy did nothin wrong." I heard Pony scoff then the door slam. I watched as Johnny gave me an apologetic look and followed after. "I'm leaving to, I was sent the the cooler, because if YOU!" He storms out also slamming the door. "Welcome home." I murmur under my breath. I catch the sad expression Soda is giving me, so I go and sit down on the couch pretending to watch TV. I hear Darry in the kitchen. "I don't want her in my house, not after what she did to you! You were messed up! You were crushed so was Dal and Pony. She's done bad things to y'all and she's not welcome." Dar, please jus let her stay and be nice until I get back as we explain. "Fine." He mumbles even though it's clearly not. Soda walks back out and says "Make yourself at home. I'll see you in a little bit." He plants a soft kiss on my forehead and leaves. I see Darry looking at me in a disapproving manner before he goes back into the kitchen. It can only go up from here right? Wrong, never have I been so wrong. 
Hope you guys like it, bet you can't guess what I have in store *Evil laugh* you'll find out soon! I'll hopefully start updating more love y'all! ❤️

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