Chapter 4

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The sun has yet to set and Phil stirs restlessly in his bed contemplating wether he should get up or not. He decides its best to just walk out onto the patio and not wake Dan up because they have a flight that very morning. Phil rubs his face with his hands and slowly gets up out of the bed trying not to wake the boy sleeping. He figures it must be cold outside so he grabs a blanket off of the opposite bed and walks out through the glass sliding doors.

Phil could feel the wind hitting his face once he had gotten outside and he felt refreshed but instinctively wrapped the blanket that smelled of dan around himself. He stood staring off into space getting indulged into his own thoughts. Phil's body warmth was going away as the time went by so he walked over to the bench that was sitting in the corner looking out onto all streets and buildings and wrapped himself in to a burrito.

Phil wrapped the blanket around his mouth so he wouldn't get sick and so he could feel safety by being surrounded by dans scent. Dan had a very warm smell it was hard to describe it was almost unique.

Phil honestly wishes he could tell dan his secret but it's just not time one of these days he would get the courage to do such a thing but now it was just playing the waiting game seeing how things were gonna be. Phil stares out onto the busy streets and sees people walking out of clubs he also sees bright bulding lights and the wind making the trees wave back and forth.

Phil always wondered what it would be like to not see any of this anymore. What it would be like if all of this wasn't here no wind, no happy moments, and no seeing people or children playing in parks.

Phil's so lost in thought that he doesn't notice the brown haired boy staring at him through the glass door.
Dan opens the door and stays by the door frame just looking at Phil.

"Umm phil may I ask why you're out here in the freezing outdoors?" Phil doesn't answer Dans question and instead asks his own

"Dan have you ever wondered what it would be like to live somewhere else? Life is so strange I keep wondering what it would be like if I never met you or if I never posted my first YouTube video. Would I still be the same person i am today?" Phil has to stop himself before he gets to deep into that philosophy and looks over at Dan.

Dan hugs his slender frame trying to gain warmth but soon realizes that Phil is beckoning him to get under the blanket with him. Dan walks over to the seat and sits down cuddling right into phil not only for warmth but for safety which he himself didn't really understand

Phil's the only one Dans truly comfortable around but sometimes he has to remind himself not to be so clingy but its his mind telling him that if he doesn't hang on to phil he's gonna run away from him and dan doesn't want that he never wants to lose phil its his worst fear he hates even thinking about it but his mind wont let him stop.

"Dan you never answered." Phill looked at Dan right in the eyes.

" Phi-"

"Like what if i didn't see your tweets to me? What if I never started youtube would i still be Phil Lester? Would i be married or have a girlfriend?"

"Phil you know things happen for a reason right"

"Yes Dan but when am I gonna get married? Have a family, kids am I gonna be doing youtube forever? How long are we going to live together is something gonna happen to us "

"Phil calm down everythings okay you will find somebody it just takes time and patience " Dan says staring at Phils glossy blue eyes.

"I guess thats true but like im kinda glad these things happened. You're the best person I've ever met if I hadn't met you I would probably be so alone I'm glad I tweeted you back " phil tiredly chuckled.

After a moment of silence Dan kept staring at Phil's blue eyes and replaying his chuckle in his head slowly without knowing he was leaning in inch after inch looking from Phil's eyes and back down to his lips.

He finally touched lips with Phil and stayed there in shock not knowing what to do his heart and mind were racing because he probably just made a big mistake. Before he knew it he was pulling away relishing the feeling of the once warm lips on his.

"Phil? I'm so sorry oh dear lord I didn't mean to do that fuck!" Dan got up quickly about to walk inside but that was before he heard the laughter coming from phil.

Dan stares at Phil with obvious confusion obviously not understanding the situation he was currently in.
Phil is laughing and Dan just stares at him confused.

"umm whats so funny? Do you not realize what just happened?" Dan asks Phil.

"Im laughing because you're making a big deal out of this I know you didn't mean it." Phil smiled

"Ok good I didn't mean it that was a mistake." Dan sighs in relief and reassuringly nods.

"we should get inside and get some more rest before we leave for the flight "
Phil says standing up and patting dans shoulder as dan just stands there scared by his earlier action.

Phil walks through the glass door and heavily sighs shaking his head and walking over to his bed getting ready to call it a night.

Dan goes through the same thing phil does he just stands there thinking about Phil's earlier question. He was very worried about phil, he's never really talked about when they met before, he never talked to him about serious topics like girlfriends or family's.

Phil was just usually telling him weird animal facts and picking on Dan about his Kanye obsession. Dan keeps thinking over night about Phil's change of behavior but eventually falls asleep.


Its morning and Dan gets woken up by their alarm clock. Dan has no idea when he fell asleep last night but he knows it had to be a few minutes after Phil did. Phil's still sleeping so he starts making Phil's morning coffee and finding comfortable clothes to wear on the plane.

Dan ends up just going for some black sweat pants and a black jumper cause he's sure it'll be cold when they land in London. He goes to take a shower and decides he not gonna straighten his hair today and just leave it curly.

Dan quickly packs Phil's supplies that he left in the bathroom and some extra clothes scattered around the hotel floor making a mental note to double check later when they were gonna leave.

"Morning dan" phil says getting up from the bed.

"Hey Phil!" Dan shouts from the bathroom where he was getting dressed in.

"What's in your agenda today? Is it to kiss me when the sunsets?" Phil smirks and chuckles.

Dan walks back into the room grabing a pillow and throwing it at Phil

"You dork, if you would of told me your secret we wouldn't of been in this mess" Dan giggles but stops when he sees Phil's face.

"You know that has nothing to do with my secret" Phil says he stands up and puts his shoes and coat on.

"whatever, I don't care anymore."

Phil walks over to the door and grabs his key card opening the door and stepping half way out "Do you want anything? I'm going to get coffee"

"I made you some coffee already" Dan says while running over to the coffee pot and did a half hopeful smile.

"Thanks but I think ill pass" Phil says closing the door.

Dan just stand there not knowing what to feel anymore.

'goodness Dan!
why did I do that you just got better with him and now you messed it up again why did you have to bring up the secret shit I'm so stupid ugh' Dan mentally screamed at himself.

Dan grabs the remote next to the coffee pot and throws it at the wall making it shatter completely. Hopefully the hotel management won't notice.

Chapter 4 done yeahh

soooo bad news im not sure if you guys will get a update this weekend cause im gonna be taking care of a fake baby for my child development class at school and im gonna have to watch it 24/7 and hold it sooo hopefully you guys can wait awhile for chapter 5 anyways i love you guys for reading this

Thank you all so much you adorable little turnips Cx

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