Chapter 5

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Dan's sitting on his hotel bed thinking if going after Phil was a good or bad idea. He has a mental war with himself trying to figure out what was good or what was bad.

Finally he works up the courge and decides Phil was taking way to long and they had an important flight to catch very soon.

Dan swiftly picks up his key card, so he wouldn't get locked out and look like an utter fool, and jogs out of the room and toward the elevator. Dan makes it to the lobby and rings the clerk catching her attention.

"Hello have you seen a boy with black, straight hair and blue ocean like eyes?"

"Are you talking about him" Susan, what it says on her name tag, points to the Starbucks shop and there Phil was playing on his phone and drinking his PSL.

"Oh, yes thank you" Dan gave her a smile and left waving goodbye like a nice person.

Slowly Dan walks into the coffee shop instantly getting slapped in the face by the intense aromas of different coffees. He hesitantly walks over to the booth Phil is sitting in and whispers his name hoping to get a positive response from the black haired lad.

'He's not going to talk to me is he' Dan internally sighs.

Dan walks over and sits down on the opposite side of the table Phil's at but Phil didn't even take notice of a person across from him. Dan thinks of a innocent, non-triggering question to ask Phil cause the least thing he wanted was Phil screaming at him again.

"What're you playing on your phone Phil?" Dan anxiously bites his lip waiting for the latter to respond.

Silence. Silence is all he gets in response.

"Okay Phil I understand that you're mad at me I get it! You cant ignore me all day though we have things to do today and have a plain to go on. Are you going to ignore me all day?" Dan taps on the table trying to get Phil to look up. To Dans success it works!

Phil stops playing his game but he doesn't say anything he just stares at Dan with a deep look.

Dan felt like one of those little kids who done something wrong and were getting talked down to by his parents. Phil's eyes turned into shade of dark blue and it was very intimidating it made Dan want to run out of there and just leave for London himself.

Dan didn't know if he should speak up or wait for Phil to talk first.


"Shh Dan I'm not mad at you I'm upset. There's a difference between the two emotions why can't you just understand that I'm not in the mood for talking right now and just really need space."

Dan was shocked he thought Phil was going to yell at him but he had the most calm voice.

"okay I'll leave you alone but remember if you need anything you can tell me."

"I know thanks Dan"

Dan got up from his seat and walks back into the lobby taking a quick breather. He reassures himself and walks to the elevator pressing the button of the floor his,and Phil's, room was deciding that maybe it was good if they had some space from each other.

Dan could use the time to plan more YouTube videos or even clean the hotel room. Who was Dan kidding honestly, he needed Phil.

He decides to pack the rest of their belongings and gets their suitcases out into the hallway ready for their departure.

Phil came up about an hour later still looking down onto his phone with a new coffee in hand.

He puts his coffee down onto the table and walks into the bathroom leaving a sticky note on the bed. Dan picks up the Attack on Titans themed sticky notes they got from japan and reads Phil's handwriting.

'Since I'm not talking to you I decided that I'll just write sticky notes to you if I want to tell you something'

Dan pouts realizing that Phil actually meant the 'no talking' part. He will strongly pull through or so at least he thinks.

Phil came out of the bathroom and pointed at the bed seeing if Dan had found the sticky note.

"Yes I found your sticky note and thats fine by me." Dan lies.

He gave Dan a thumbs up and a smile. Phil looked around the room for a certain object looking up at Dan and giving him a strange look when he couldn't find it.

Phil grabbed a sticky note and a pen from his backpack swiftly scribbling something down and handed it to Dan.

'Wheres all our stuff?'

Dan had tottally forgotten that he had put all the stuff in the hallway where he was sure someone stole by now.

"Oh shit!" Dan ran in to the hallway to see if everything was still packed and there in the spot he left it in. Happily sighing he gives Phil a thumbs up.

Phil was standing by the door frame shaking his head at Dan and walking away back into the room.


Dan and phil are at the airport about ready to go into their plain home. They sit in the uncomfortable chairs of the airport waiting to hear someone over the intercom say it was time to load everything up.

After a few minutes they hear the lady's voice signaling them that it was time to get up and walk. They successfully get to the gate and are greeted by the women who takes your ticket and lets you go through. Dan hands his and successfully gets in but than stops phil.

"I'm sorry you cant take that onto the flight I'm going to need to take from you." she warmly smiles trying to send off a good vibe.

"Oh yes here you go. Sorry 'bout that."

At that moment Dan realized how much he truly missed Phil's voice.

When they sat down at their seats Dan decides to listen to some music to keep him calm and stop thinking about Phil not talking to him.

He grabs inside his pockets searching for his headphones but his pocket was sadly empty. Dan was trying to figure out where he last left them until he realized he left them at the desk Susan was at.

'For fucks sake! Could this ride get any worse'


Heyy guys im sorry there was no updates a long time ago after that fake baby thing i need sleep lol but i got my Grade back . I got a A!! i was so happy so anyways im on thanksgiving break now and i can write since i don't social with irl people and like my bed lol anyways hope you guys are having a amazing day *kisses * *kisses * bye bye my little turnips .ps this is a filter im sorry if its boring
Twitter, @/phanfttroylerr (yes 2 r's)
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