Chapter 14: Jealousy VS Anger

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I spent the rest of the party with my brothers and Anya who helped me fulfill my first duties as Luna of the pack. We organized an after school club for the kids which will be run by yours truly. Anya and Mrs. Evans agreed to help out.

It will offer them assistance with schoolwork as well as educating them on their heritage and the history of the Monhegan Moonlight Pack. It'll be a place where the kids can interact with one another outside of school and stay out of trouble.

For the elders of the pack I invited them to come to the after school club and share some of their knowledge with the children. We set up a schedule for the volunteers to come out to talk about different topics. This way it'll keep the elders busy and give them something to do. It's always nice to feel needed.

Next we went over some issues to add to our agenda for the next pack meeting, which Tristan will be the heading. After making sure everyone got home safely and all the elders had everything they needed, I finally returned home.

"Did you think it'd be this much work?" Lonso asked with a smirk as we sat together in a comfortable silence on the porch swing. My feet were tucked indian style in front of me allowing Lonso to do all the swinging.

Letting out a tired sigh, I turned to face my brother with a smile. "This is only just the beginning, but I'm prepared for whatever comes my way." I added in a chipper voice. My face however, said something totally different.

Lonso raised an eyebrow at me with a 'who do you think you're fooling face' and chuckled. "C'mon sis, it's me. What's really on your mind?" He inquired, his eyes roaming my face for a real answer. Breathing in deeply I allowed my eyes to drift upwards. "I'm just worried about the guys." I confessed allowing my worry to shine through.

"Trust me, they're fine." Lonso answered in all seriousness. "I don't think you realize just how great of an Alpha your mate truly is." That's the thing, it wasn't my guys I was worried about! I hated not knowing what was going on. The least someone could do was mindlink me and let me know what the heck's happening, but no that's too much to ask. Am I overreacting?

Sure, I could have mindlinked any of them to see if they were ok, but I didn't know what type of situation they were currently dealing with. So, I didn't want to be any form of disturbance to them. What if they were in the middle of a battle of sorts? I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing my mindlink made one of them lose focus on the task at hand.

"You should try and get some sleep. Tomorrow's another day. By the looks of it, it's going to be a busy one." Lonso smirked patting my knee as he stood from the swing. I nodded my head in agreement, giving my brother a hug and a "Thanks." I could always count on him to be there for me.

My brother was referring to the huge project I signed them all up for. I know, I know, what a rotten sister. They're here for two days, but I managed to get them to agree on helping us give back to the community. We were going to repaint the library and schools as well as home improvements for the less fortunate, humans included.

Tossing restlessly back in forth in the bed, I tried my hardest to fall asleep but it was no use. First of all I was worried about Tristan. It's been several hours since they left and I still haven't heard a peep from any of them. Secondly, being in a strange bed in a new house wasn't helping the situation any. I needed my cuddle buddy.

Just as I began to doze off, I felt a dip in the mattress beside me. Strong familiar arms coiled around my back pulling me forward into a hard chest. I threw my arm over his waist and snuggled my face into the crook of his neck, welcoming his warm embrace.

"Bout time you got home." I murmured sleepily into his shoulder. Not having the energy to start an argument. "Everything ok?" I asked with half lidded eyes. Tristan was fresh out the shower, his body still damp from the moisture of the water. All that covered him were his cotton boxers.

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