Chapter 11: Home

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All the guys from back home who were only supposed to be visiting for the weekend ended up staying for a week. They returned home the next weekend after the battle when all the excitement began to simmer and everything settled down going back to normal.
The only ones who remained in Spain with my family were Tristan, Luke Anya and myself.

Our remaining time in Spain was spent relaxing at the house, doing things with my brothers and dad, or fun activities with the pack. Last I heard Marco's been doing extremely well, it's like he's a changed man. Going home after recuperating from his injuries, he began running his pack the way an Alpha should. I've spoken to him on the phone a few times, but we haven't seen one another since he left.

Tristan gave me the 'ok' to speak to him on the phone and text one another. He thinks it'll be good for Marco to have someone to turn to in case he goes through a rough time again. Isn't Tristan just the sweetest thing since cherry pie? Wait, is cherry pie even sweet?

Summer was almost over and we're returning home in time for a big bash Tristan's parents are throwing in celebration for his twenty-first birthday. Not only will it be a party to celebrate his birthday, it's also to welcome us home as the new Alpha and Luna of the pack.

"Promise you'll come visit?" I mumbled with my face buried into Rico's chest as I fisted the back of his blue button up. I can't believe our time in Spain flew by that quickly. Where did the time go? It seems like yesterday when we first arrived, now it's time to go back home to Port Clyde.

The vibration from Rico's chest against my cheek told me that he was laughing at me! Narrowing my eyes I pulled my face away to glare up at my brother. There's nothing funny about this situation, I won't be able to go anywhere for a solid year once I become Luna.

We needed to stay put in order to adjust to all of our newfound responsibilities and duties. That meant no more vacations and goodbye to the mini getaways for the weekends. It's time to put on my big girl pants and become a responsible adult. Wah, I'm not ready for this.

"I promise we'll visit for all the major holidays." Rico said in his most reassuring voice as a smile tugged at his lips, trying to hold back his laughter. "We'll even bring Dad along." He said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. "You'll do just fine, you're going to make a spectacular Luna." Rico said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"You really think?" I asked quirking my head a bit to the side as my face scrunched up in thought. Rico's a phenomenal Alpha, so a compliment in that caliber coming from him was mind boggling. Not unless he's just saying that because he has to since he's my big brother.

"I don't just think so Lise, I know so." Rico grinned giving me a wink. "You may not look like it, but you're one tough cookie. You truly are a Perez at heart and I have nothing but respect for you. Aside from you, there's only two other women in my entire life that I've known to be so strong and determined and that's mom and Mia."

Being the emotional train wreck that I am, I couldn't stop the tears that welled up in my eyes from falling down my cheeks. From all the things I've heard, my Mother and Mia seemed like some pretty amazing women and to be put in a category along side them was an honor.

"Aww no." Rico whined pulling me away from him by my shoulders. "Don't turn all soft on me now. You're ruining my favorite shirt." Rico joked trying to lighten up the situation, but I could see the emotions were getting the best of him too as he fought back tears.

I pulled away from the hug and pointed my index finger directly at Rico in a threatening manner. "You're to call me every day; no if's, and's, or but's." He just shook his head and chuckled at me. Next, I turned my attention to Lonso who stood there with the saddest expression, almost similiar to one of a small child who's pet hamster Spunky just died.

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