Chapter 19: What In The?

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Walking along the row of shops towards the bridal store, I couldn't help the smile tugging happily at my lips. Just the thought of the pack children pitching in this morning to help prepare a meal for the elders was too stinking adorable. Messy and chaotic, yes...but otherwise the cutest thing I've possibly witnessed in my entire life.

Watching Anya teach the girls how to mix pancake batter as I worked with the boys showing them how to properly crack and scramble eggs, reassured me that she's going to make an awesome Mom. Brunch was an ultimate success, considering no one died of food poisoning. Thankfully all the food came out edible considering the fact that kids cooked it.

The guys were scheduled for their tux fittings this morning while us girls dealt with the whole brunch fiasco. I was supposed to go with all the girls for our dress fittings at 3pm, but by the time everyone got done eating I opted for them to go ahead without me. There was no possible way we'd clean up the mess and get to our appointment on time, so Anya and I stayed behind to clean up. Ria the owner of the bridal shop said Anya and I could stop by when we were finished.

"See I told you everything would work out this weekend." Anya smiled, her blue eyes sparkling proudly as she pointed to herself. "In control." Was all she stated matter of factly. Let's not speak too soon the day is still young, I thought to myself but didn't dare utter a word.

Anya and I tried our dresses on and emerged from the changing rooms at the same time. Thankfully Ria left extra material just in case Anya gained some pregnancy weight. Her dress fit perfectly showing her minimal belly, if one didn't know it could be mistaken for a slight beer gut. "You look amazing." I grinned at my best friend and her natural glow.

With a roll of her eyes the corners of Anya's lips tugged up in a smile as she turned to face me, her hand unconsciously landing on her belly. "Ehh, I look ok, not my usual girlish figure, but it'll have to do." She answered shrugging her shoulders dismissively. "Now you... you look like Cinder-freakin-rella, so gorgeous Tristan won't be able to keep his hands off you!" Anya gushed, her eyes trailing down the length of my dress.

Staring at my own reflection in the mirror, I could hardly recognize myself. Being silly, I bent my knees and curtsied, then began giggling. I truly did feel like Cinderella. Letting out a sigh, my heart beat rapidly against my chest at the thought of Tristan looking debonair in his tux waiting for me as both my Dads walked me down the aisle.

Since I have two Fathers it only made sense for Daddy Foster to walk me halfway down the aisle where Daddy Perez would be waiting to take over the rest of the way. It was only way I could see things as being fair. I loved them equally wanting them both to be a part of the biggest day of my life.

"Hey Lise, what do you say we go over to Rustica for an early dinner?" Anya asked when we both came out the changing room. "I'm starved and we both hardly ate this morning with trying to maintain order." Now that she mentions it I am kind of hungry. Nodding my head, I agreed. "Sounds like a plan."

We listened to music on the drive over to the restaurant, each of us lost in our own thoughts. "Hey drop me off up front will ya? I'll go in and get us a table." She suggested. "Seems crowded today." Anya mumbled. There were a lot of cars parked in the lot, but I couldn't understand why Anya didn't just wait for me. I'm sure a table for two wouldn't be that long of a wait.

Instead of voicing my thoughts and getting an earful from the moody prego, I pulled up front and dropped her off. She's probably worried I'll park far and make her walk! I chuckled at my lazy bum of a friend.

Dammit, Anya had the right idea after all! The lot was completely full and I had to park two city blocks away! Sure the weather is nice out, but did everyone and their Mothers decide go come out today?

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