Chapter 18: Overprotective

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Tapping my foot impatiently against the linoleum tiled floor I watched as numerous amounts of people maneuvered their way in and out of the crowded bustling airport. I've been sitting here for the past hour waiting for their plane to arrive. It was delayed due to inclement weather, but I didn't dare leave in case they landed soon.

'Where are you beautiful?' Tristan's voice filtered into my mind as my eyes focused on a plane pulling into the terminal I was sitting at. 'Still at the airport, flight was delayed.' I answered mindlessly. Being able to communicate this way is pretty handy when you think about it. Saves us from using up the minutes on our cell phones.

'Why ya miss me already?' I teased in a playful manner. Tristan was busy running patrols with Luke so I decided to come to the airport alone. There's no way I planned on asking Anya to accompany me. Since finding out she's pregnant there's one of two places you'd find Anya. Either in the kitchen stuffing her face or sitting on the sofa with her legs up watching TV.

The pack doctor determined that Anya is only 9 weeks along after he performed an ultrasound. Thank goodness for that, the complaints of her being a fat maid of honor have died down dramatically. One would think she's already eight months along the way Luke's behaving.

Luke's been extremely protective of her since hearing the news of her pregnancy. She's not permitted to do anything that might jeopardize the safety of his pups. So, that pretty much means Luke has Anya on lock down.

"You from around this area?" A deep voice with a British accent asked catching me off guard. Turning to my left I was greeted by a good-looking blond male with stunning blue eyes sitting next to me. Am I that oblivious in thought? When the heck did he take a seat there?

"Um yea, I grew up here. I've lived here all my life." I answered with a small smile as I thought of how much I loved Port Clyde, it holds so much history for me and the life I've come to know as my own. Wolves...who would've ever thought?

"Just stopping here, flight's been delayed due to the bloody weather. Although if I had someone like you as a tour guide, might make staying a few days worthwhile. Seems like a nice place, you fancy it here?" He asked making friendly conversation. I nodded my head and grinned at his use of the word bloody and fancy. "Danny." He held out his hand.

"Annalise." I stuck out my hand to shake his extended one. "It's nice to meet you and yes I fancy it very much so. I suppose I could show you around Port Clyde if you decide to stay." I offered as a friendly gesture.

'I always miss you when you're not by my side.' Tristan's delayed response caused me to jump a bit from his intrusion into my mind. Aww, even after all this time he still manages to get me with his romantic comments. Chewing down on my bottom lip I tried thinking of a sweet thing to say back, but a voice interrupted my thought process.

"You know you're not supposed to leave home alone." His tone of voice was like he was scolding a young wolf in trouble for breaking the rules. "Where's Axel?" Tristan asked with his arms crossed over his chest as he stared down at me with a pointed look. His gray eyes trailed from Danny sitting to my left and then back at me piercing my soul. Do I sense a bit of anger or was it jealousy? What happened to the sweet attitude from seconds before?

Diverting my eyes everywhere but in his direction. I glanced up at Tristan guiltily. "At home with Nicole, I didn't want to bother him." I answered with a bit of a pout to my lips. Yes, I snuck out the house without my protector. So what, it was just a simple trip to the airport. I didn't want to take away from Axel's time with his mate.

Nicole and Axel are just getting well acquainted with each other. Believe me I know what it's like to be a newly mated couple, you don't want to leave each other's sides. I haven't been in any imminent danger lately, so there wasn't a need to trouble anyone for an easy task.

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