nervous in a good reason

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Therese was right. Sebb could be my way to be with Maze.

As i entered my integral calculus room, mirriam was already sitting in our new best spot, back of sebb's and maze's chair. I smiled at her before giving her air kisses.

"You look so happy" she noticed my smile. Yes i am happy not just because he nod at me but therese gave me a great idea.

"Really, im always happy" i grinned wide enough to have an aching cheeks.

"No lavie. I know you. I know that smile. Your planning something. That is a smile of a very cunning girl". She said suspiciously. "Go girl, spill"

"Ooohhh.... That's why your one of the best mirriam. You know me so well." I said putting my right hand on my heart as if i was touched by her words. "Therefore will you help me if i ask for some friendly help from one of my bestfriends?" I tried to be sweet while saying this. Not that im not sweet, i believe i am. Its just that i need to be sugary sweet right now.

She narrowed her green eyes at me before saying "it depends" in a thick British accent. Mind you, she's not British. Not in her blood.

I almost laughed at her accent imitation but i stopped myself. "Let's sign up for tutoring"

All the humor on her face faded. "Are you out of your mind? No!"

I pouted immediately and batted my lovely long eyelashes, which are not fake but definitely with mascara. "pretty please please"

"Girlfriend, i am a girl so your pouting and batting will not work on me. And your charm wont do if tutoring is in consideration---" she raised her eyebrow. "And what's wrong with your mind? You want to be tutored?" She knew i hate studying.

"Yeah! but therese said that sebb..." i exclaimed with matching hand gestures but was cut immediately by the man itself.

"Me what?" Said sebb joining our conversation. He was standing in front of me,smiling. My eyes grew big because i cant think of any great excuse to say. So i panicked.

"What? Did i say something?" I asked back. Great lavie you were really great than a 3-year-old-girl who doesnt know how to lie. Sebb chuckled while mirriam snorted. I closed my eyes and cover my face with my hand.

"What did therese said?" He asked again. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that he was now sitting in his chair but facing me. I moved my eyes to mirriam to ask for help but my eyes caught a silvery-blue ones. He was looking at me. He was looking at me! Oh My Goodness! Then he diverted his eyes to the front, freaking board. I moved my eyes to mirriam who was laughing in my humiliation. What a good friend she is.

"Hey its okay if you dont want to tell me. If this is about your feelings for me...." Sebb said that totally shocked me. Its not that i liked him but hello? Maze is here what if he thought i liked someone else. I returned my gaze to him then saw the glint in his eyes. He was teasing me.

"Funny" i said to him in a slight sarcastic tone, just slight cant do much because He is my ticket to Maze-land,haha. Then i had an idea what to say. "Therese just said that i should accept your tutorial- proposal". Which is half truth

"Really!" Sebb exclaimed while mirriam's was questioned. She can't believe therese will suggest that to me.

I was appalled. "Ahhh yeah? I mean yes. She said it might help me" yeah totally help me to be with maze.

"Why?" An angelic voice questioned. Okay fine, it wasnt angelic at all, i never heard angelic voices before but for me maybe it is.

All our eyes went to him and again a silvery-blue eyes were looking straight at me. His forehead was furrowed. And there was a scowl on his face. Its like he is angry at something i did. Its like his question wasnt asking why i want to be tutored but something why in my decision, i just cant grasp what it is.

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