gross like sniffing marco's socks

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Now that I can identify my goal. I need to set it.

and I think changing my mindset should be the first step. but being the non-studious, non-intellectual and non-bookworm in our class, but hopefully not in my batch, I have no idea how to do it. I don't even know how to start it. even I don't know if I could change the way I think.

hence, I must think of a way.

but for now, thinking of a way to not be late is in the top of my priority list.

today is the first day of my senior year. hoping I will not be late although I know that the whole school expects it already.

"mom! I need to go to school as fast as I can" I shouted running downstairs

"then run as fast as you can" mom shouted back

huh... she thought she's being funny "mom!!!" I whined back

"fine you can bring your car today"

yeah, alright. mom doesn't want me bringing my car all the time, thinking its her way of being in control. but well we cant just pop her bubble, right?

a smile appeared on my face the moment i see bai-sé (mandarin for white). and again yes.  my car's name is also a color's name. so what? it runs in the family you know.

 I really love my car, it's Fiat500. it's small, white and girly in every possible way and im proud of being so girly in everyway that I can, so sue me

I jumped to my lovely and quirky car and drove toward school's direction as fast as the limit can without traffic violation. I don't want another ticket, hahaha.

I kept on thinking what to do. And I kept on getting an answer which is I don't know.

Coming to school, because of the great force called luck, I am not late.

I walked in the hallway with lots of interventions of hellos and how-are-you?s from many people that I don't even remember the names, I eventually  arrived in front of my lovely locker (yes, my locker is lovely in my own eyes, I love being lovely... and I love lovely things and even pretending that all things were lovely) to get all my morning books.

the hair on the back my neck, which is on my nape, raised. it meant that he's near me.  I could feel that he's coming. I turned around and spotted him right away. I could spot him easily due to his height, 6'3" I think. and due to my maze-radar, which is just intuition.

he was walking in the hallway without care. with sebb.

sebb who? his bestfriend. the vice prez. just like the birds of the same feathers flock together. hmmm

anyway, he was walking, did I mention without care? yeah, totally without C-A-R-E, not even a little care to his surroundings. well, I can't blame him, I don't care to my surroundings also. but really?  I care about him not caring about me. what harm would it cost to have just a little glance in my direction. am I invisible? backdraft to his own world? grrrr

straight face, chinned up and straight eyes, like a model on a runway, he kept on walking and just listening to sebb. he shook his head once as a 'no' to sebb and nothing more. whatever they were talking about I wish I can contribute even one word just to have a conversation with him.

He sauntered in the direction of our homeroom with a slightly frown on his cutie face . I remembered my goal setting. I knew I need to do something. he is walking near me now, which was making me feel unease.

what should I do? should I trip him? bump him? or punch him?.... well that's too violent.

if I were you, what will you do? I needed to do something 

How To Get Him Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon