it's for the kid

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I woke up early by saturday. By early it meant 9am instead of my usual 11am to 12nn during saturday and Sunday.

I showered, brushed my teeth and wore a black and white plaid jumper short and white sando top with a black high cut converse. Braid my hair into two and put a colorless lipgloss.

When i opened the door, mom and dad were sitting at the veranda in the rightside of our house. They looked so sweet, holding one another.

I went downstairs to invade the kitchen and prepared for our picnic day.

I hopped to a stool after i got cereals to eat. After several minutes i stood up and looked in the fridge for a possible packed lunch. I decided to make a ham and egg sandwich with lettuce but not cucumber, because i dont like the smell of it. I prepared for 4 persons, why? I just assumed that Maze will eat with us, or maybe I'll just have to make sure he doesn't have a choice and additional sandwich for his dog, if it wasn't bad for newt, i dont know anything about dogs. I also prepared slice fruits, watermelon, peach, apple and grapes and of course packed juice and bottled water. And now for blankets, i looked in the hanging cabinet and found a red and white blanket. I also put azure's coloring book and his color pens, just in case he got bored.

"Whoah, is that for us?" Clarke went inside with jayden.

"Hunter's probably upstairs in his room" i said not answering his nonsense question.

"We know" jayden said. "We slept here"

"Oh okay" i said nonchalantly. Its what they do most of the time.

"So why prepared lots of food?" Clarke said hopping to the stool that i just abandoned.

"That's for me and lavie" a small sweet voice answered for me, azure "am i right lavie?"

"Yes honey, its for our picnic time" i assured him giving him a kiss on his head.

"Ohhh... can i have some too? The food and the good morning hugs and kisses" clarke said teasing me and azure. Azure doesnt like when someone,especially Clarke saying things like that. And as we all expected azure went to clarke and kicked his shin. That made Clarke laughed but pretended that he was hurt.

"Nice! You're a good brother" jayden high fived azure. "So where are you going?" Jayden asked me opening the fridge and making sandwiches for him and clarke.

"Just at the park... and no clarke you cant come with us" i know how he thinks.

"Fine" he said. As if he had a choice. "Even though your basket looks so heavy and you cant even fly azure's kite. He was testing me. But he might be a hindrance to all my plans if he came with us.

"I can carry those food" i showed them by lifting the basket, which was a little heavy and bulky. I didn't answered the kite thing because i have plans for that.

After a while i told them that we should go"Let's go azure dont forget your kite"

"do you want me to carry that for you. I need to go home and its in my way" jayden offered me after clarke went hesitantly upstairs to play Xbox with hunter. Hope he wont use my user at infamous second son game.

"Are you sure?" I asked jayden. Jayden is a nice guy among them. They were four before, hunter the playboy, jayden the nice guy, clarke the joker and shade the bad boy. But shade went to Rio de Janeiro almost 3 years now. But i guessed they still have communication.

We walked to the park which is just 5 minutes away. And rolled out the blanket in the shaded part of it.

"Thanks jayd" i smiled at him

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