a hemophobic that is undergoing venipuncture

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Almost a week had passed but the so-called talk doesn't happen.

I did everything to avoid him and guess what, i think i did a favor for him. It was as if he really doesn't want the confrontation to happen. Every time i see him, he was silently arguing with sebb, who just shaking his head at him frustratedly.

"So what's going to happen now?" Mirriam asked me in the locker hall. We were watching maze and sebb having their lovers quarrel according to marco.

"I dont know" i answered honestly. "Should i give up?"

"Should you not?" Therese replied. "I mean look at him, he is..... Oh oh lavie! He is coming here..."

My eyes go wide and my heart almost literally leap from my chest. Maze was walking towards us with Sebb and some minionerds, who looked so lost.

"Can we talk?" Maze faced me.

"Uhmmm..." And the cat got my tongue "can we?" I looked at everyone, except him.

He sighed. "Let's talk."

"I dont know" i answered looking at the floor.

"We need to talk" he repeated.

If this is not about his preferences and what happened before, I'm probably swooning because he was so eager to talk to me, but not today.

"But we should go to class" i mumbled.

"Look lavender, i really need to clarified some thing" putting his hands in his nape as if he had stiffed-neck.

"Yeah, i know but i think we really need to go to class, its almost time" and im hoping the bell will set off.

"No its not" he said impatiently

"Its going to set off" still praying it will happen.

My friends and his were just watching us. Some snickering, by some i mean Marco, and others were just looking back and forth at us.

"Let. Us. Talk." He said with emphasis on every word that forced me to look at him. When our eyes met, his eyes were half pleading frustratedly and half mad and impatient, but still it was as if they were talking to me.

"O-okay" i said starting to give in. my breath was getting heavier and my palm sweatier (not sure if it is a word) but the bell set off for the first warning, i am saved by the bell. "Oh we need to go to class" and i literally run to our room. Unfortunately this is the same class that we all have.

"What are you going to do about him?" Andrei followed me in the classroom. "Aren't you going to talk to him?"

I looked at andrei and sighed the biggest sigh i can managed, dont get me wrong i know that this is quite a serious matter but i cant change my dramatic streak in a heap of a moment.

Andrei continued, whispering while going to our seat, "i mean its just that you look like a hemophobic that is undergoing venipuncture "

Leave it to andrei to use words i dont understand.

"Hemophobic, blood phobia" he looked at me, "venipuncture, getting blood through veins" he explained amusingly.

How To Get Him Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon