Day 02.

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Dedicated to LittlePezz because she saw my post on insta and came to read my story, xx.


After a night of rest, Draco arrived of the Ministry.

Potter and Weasley were in his office, both pacing nervously while lost in their thoughts.

''Where were you, ferret?'' Weaslebee snapped.

Knitting his brows in misunderstanding - and ignoring his reference to his troubled past, Draco answered,'' sleeping, maybe? That's what people do at night, usually.''

''Sleeping?!'' The Weasley was outraged and his face was getting redder by the minute. ''Hermione's out there, being tortured, probably r-raped,'' he stuttered in anger, ''and you're sleeping?''

''Oh Weaslebee, always getting your knickers in a twist, I see,'' Draco replied with a scoff. ''I am not wasting my time here, I want to save Granger as much as you want her back! But I need a little rest from time to time, because I cannot think if not. Simple, really. I would have thought that even you could get that.''

Taken aback, Ronald kept quiet. Even though he still despised Malfoy, he had to admit it the blond auror had a point.

''Now that's settled, I need you two to help me build Hermione's profile. ''

After hours of speaking, Draco's brain was filled with Hermione this, Hermione that, and how amazingly brilliant she's supposedly always been. At least, he had a more precised idea of who she used to be in Hogwarts, and who she was now - well, before her kidnapping.

''Past relationships,'' resumed Draco, ''Krum, McLaggen, and you Weasley. Is that all for boyfriends?''

Potter nodded. ''She didn't really dated McLaggen, she went on a few dates with him but that was all.'' He added to be more precised. ''The lad's completely nuts.''

''Her two parents were obliviated during war, the ministry of magic made them recall everything. At age 18, she started to work as an auror. At age 19, when the chief of the department retired, she got promoted chief auror, being also youngest chief auror in all history of magic. ''

''Yet, everything is correct,'' interrupted the redheaded man.

Draco went on.

''Her favorite book is Hogwarts: A History. She used to borrow your invisible cloak to read at night in the restricted area, what a surprise. She is the brain of the Golden Trio - thought that I'm not surprised of, you two aren't hard to beat off.''

A thought crossed his mind.

''Say, Potter, does '' I solemnly swear that I am up to no good'' means anything to you?''

Potter looked at Weasley discreetly, but Draco caught the subtle glance.

''Potter...'' He insisted. The boy who lived sighed.

''My father was known to be a part of the Marauder, along with Sirius, Remus and Peter...'' he started,'' The made a map of Hogwarts, the map of the Marauder, where you could see people walk around the castle. The map looked like an empty piece of parchment until you would say '' I solemnly swear that I am up to no good'', then the ink would appear on it. We used it a lot throughout our adventures, if you want the information to disappear, you would say ''Mischief Managed''. '' he explained. ''How do you know about that Malfoy?''

Bloody hell. The Marauder's map was Senior Potter's invention?!

''Just a clue among others. See you later lads, I've got places to be.''

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