Day 03 - Part I

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Dedicated to emeraldthebookworm for her great feedback xx


Amateur. He was just an amateur. He had wanted to take a nap, but he had slept through the night, without waking up even once.

''Shit!'' He was furious against himself.

He entered his bathroom naked, and took a long steamed hot shower. When he washed himself, he felt something weird on his left shoulder.

Probably just a cut from the ministry's attack.

But when he got out, he couldn't resist to check in the mirror what it was. He brushed his fingers against his skin, to feel it has soft as ever.

To his surprise, the pattern he had seen on the book was writing, now in black ink, in his skin.

Note to self, go to St Mungos for that when I find Granger. This can wait.

Then, he sent a note to his office to say he wasn't showing up today and started to read the report Zabini had sent him last night.

Damn, Granger didn't have any social life whatsoever. None, niet, nada, rien du tout.

When she'd see Potter and Weasley, it was at work. Once a month she would dine with the Weasleys and Potters, most times on Sundays. Once in a while she'd go shopping with Weaslette. That was all. No wonder why the bookworm got promoted so fast.

''What did you do Granger, what did you do ?'' He whispered to himself his eyes reading the words on the roll of parchment and furiously rolling down the report.

He read the times she effectuated a move, the things she's bought, the books - way too many books - she'd read, the places she'd been to and the people she'd seen.

A name popped on the list - a name he thought he'd never hear about ever throughout this entire case.

Wednesday 08, 16h - Teddy Lupin, Malfoy Manor.

The young boy was a reminder of that part of his family who had made the good choices. His aunt Andromeda, unlike him, had had enough strength to choose love over power and hate. She had chosen the ray of light in the darkness. After the war, when his father was sent to Azkaban, Lupin had started to see Draco's mother more often. It was Harry's decision. He wanted the young Lupin to know his family, as he, Harry Potter, didn't have the occasion to. Malfoy himself had to babysit him quite a few times. Teddy was incredibly cheerful; he was like a breeze in the heat of the sun so Malfoy never minded. He would never admit it to Potter, but he quite liked the kid. Draco wouldn't mind paying him a visit. It had been a long time since they saw each other, anyway.

Then, a thought dawned on him.

''No... no, Granger, not what - but where. ''

Granger had known they were coming to get her all that time.

He couldn't help but be slightly impress by everything the Gryffindor had planned for him, forever the Hogwarts ferret, to find her. Potter or Weasley could never be assigned to her case, due to the relation they were sharing. They would have been biased on everything. Hermione Granger had placed the hints precisely for him to find them out, she had built a trail in hope he would find them and understand them. She knew he was going to do anything to find her. He had to, she was a war hero, friend of Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, plus a auror. If the Daily Prophet was to find out, the ministery was screwed.

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