Day 04.

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Hello lovelies! Biggest chapter, much much action, so hit the vote button and comment!


It had been eyeing at his for the past hours, but for a reason, he could not commit himself to say the words. It was an empty piece of parchment, larger than the one he was getting messages from Hermione. He knew exactly what it was. Oddly, his path has never crossed so many interesting things since he had been looking for Hermione. ¸

He was scared to find another pointless message. Something like ''Will you finally find me someday? Ferret! – HG'' or even ''It was JUST A PRANK! (you know, for all those years at Hogwarts, payback time!) – HG'' He imagined she would write something to piss him off, because that's what she was the best at. Or maybe nothing would appear at all.

Screw this, am I an auror of what? He muttered to himself.

''I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.''

The words echoed in his empty flat, like an empty promise.

Slowly, lines appeared, drawing the walls of Hogwarts. Amazed, Malfoy waited for the map to reveal the secrets of the castle he had spend 7 years of his life within. He could say steps, moving around the corridors, name tag identifying the students, as well as the teachers. His eyes scanned the map from left to right, then up to down.

On the Gryffindor common room was sketched a weird pattern. It looked like a circle with a straight line in the middle, cutting the circle in two and perfectly equal sides. Wait a minute, he had seen this before.

In Granger's favorite book. As well as on his own back.

He caressed the drawing, and found himself sucked in the map.


The Gryffindor common room was incredibly silent and empty. Only Granger was sitting in the sofa, in front of the fire. Like in the first memory he had jumped in, they were both back in their school robes.

''I see you found the map,'' she whispered. ''I don't know if it's good or bad, to be honest.'' He walked up to where she remained still, watching the fire moving, as he sat beside her.

He took the time to observe her. He could feel his heart beat faster. She was there, in front of him, and alive. This time, she wasn't hurt. At least, she wasn't bruised yet. The flames were tainting her pale face orange, and it seemed as if her eyes were even more beautiful than he remembered. He held out a hand to caress her cheek, she jumped under his touch. She had been violated, she was sensible now.

''Granger, tell me, are you alright? ''

She laughed – a mad laugh it was. She never answered, her silent responding by itself. He wished he could do something about it.

''Why is it bad that I found the map?''

She finally dared to look up at him. Her eyes wear teary. ''Oh, Draco.'' She whispered before the tears started to roll down her cheeks. He couldn't help but take her in his arms.

''I- I wanted my mind to be safe. I knew they were coming. And I knew that they would break me down if they could break my mind. So I secured all my thoughts on the memories I left you. It was an old charm, white magic or something similar. It took me months. ''

She started to cry.

''When they hurt me, my mind runs away. It has been wandering who knows where. I could physically feel them touching me, but I didn't feel anything emotionally. '' She tried to reach the tears coming down her face, but Malfoy stopped her hand. He remembered, he always had tissue in his pockets. He used to wash away the liquid pain rolling down her cheeks. It was such an intimate gesture, but it was only one bit of his emotion. He wanted to protect her. He felt the urge to punch the wall at the thought of someone using her as a sexual slave. She was so much more than that.

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