Day 07.

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''Draco, are you all packed?'' Hermione rolled her suitcase in the middle of her apartment's corridor, walking in direction of the front door.

''Yes, I think I have everything. Shall I take your suitcase in the – what is it called again?''

''A car, Malfoy, a car.''

''Is it pulled by any magic creature and the muggle just don't know it?''

''No, it is electric or runs on gas.''

''Oh. So, suitcase in the car?''

''Yes please.''

Draco Malfoy grabbed Hermione's Granger case from her hand and used the moment as an occasion to peck her on the lips. Then, he pulled forward.

''Bloody Hell, Granger! What's in that? ''


''Books, of course. Never mind.'' He sighed and continued his task as she giggled happily.

She was following him close behind.

When the young man finally closed the car bag, she smiled.

''Ready?'' He asked.

''Ready,'' she nodded with determination, taking his hands in hers.

It was a new adventure, shared with none other than Draco Malfoy.


Hey lovelies!

Yes, this is the end. Told you it was a short story! I am currently writing another Dramione, which will probably be posted soon. Read below a ''sample'' of the story, called Inbetween Waves.

Follow me to know when I post it! In order to avoid writer's block, I will try to write it as much as I can before posting it.

Thank you for being a part of this adventure with me, much love! I have to say this is the first Dramione I write, so, I'm glad to see that a few people liked it enough to vote and read. xx

Comment! Vote! Share!

Follow me on twitter and instagram, both accounts are named drays__ 

Love, missabiii. 


''Where are you, where are you?'' He murmured to himself on a quiet beat. Under the thunder, nobody could hear his words, even if they were particularly close.

An enormous wave shadowed the rays of the moonlight, it was incredibly high, if not higher than the sail of the boat.

Suddenly, he saw it: a strike of silver in the black waters. It was like a flash, so quick he could have thought he was hallucinating. It was not the first time he was to see its tail, but this time he was not going to let it slip away.

''STARBOARD!'' He yelled in research for help.

The boat was stuck between two enormous waves. There it was, standing still in the water, looking straight at him. The wave was so tall it didn't even need to get out of the water. Its hair was floating around, her silver and purple tail was waving softly, peacefully. It was not attacking, it was observing him: it was curious.

''ATTACK!'' He ordered.

He speared without thinking, the wave finally crashing on the boat.

Mischief Managed [Dramione] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now