Day 03 - Part II

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Hi! I changed the description of the story and the cover, do you like it? The chapter is a little rough, be aware!


Leaving the Malfoy Manor with the cloak in his pocket - which he had enchanted with an undetectable extendable charm, Draco thought of looking at Hermione's parchment. He had decided to call it like that. Since it was from her, it made it feel like she was still alive and perfectly sane.

For a second, nothing appeared.

''Granger, come on. Be nice for once. ''

Slowly, as if responding to his prayers, the cursive letter appeared again.

''You shall trust no one.

- HG. ''

''Ugh!'' He threw the piece of paper away, in a sudden rage.

You shall trust no one?!

A bloody name would have been nice!

He was tempted to leave the piece of her - well, of parchment - where it laid, on the grass and far, far away from him.

But it was his only connection with Granger. He couldn't just abandon her behind like that, she would have never done this to him.

''Damn it Granger, you owe me.'' He muttered more for himself.

He walked to the piece of parchment and picked it up the ground. He noticed something different from the last message was written on the cover.

''You wish,

- HG.''

He smirked, there she was. He could practically hear her speak to him. Her eyes would have been sparkling, they always were, and she would have tried not to smile, but she would have smiled to him anyway; a smile completely honest and sincere, without any harm whatsoever. As the day flew by, he felt this strange sensation in his chest, as if they were connected. It felt strange, to have a contact with her but not to really talk with her. He wished he could talk to her. No one deserved to be treated like she was treated like that. But who was he to speak of her in that way? He had mocked her all their studies. He was going to make it up to her. Because he owed her, of course, not for any other reasons.


Before heading to his next destination, he made a quick appearance at his office to see if anything new could help him. To his surprise, Zabini was sat at his bureau. His friend didn't seem to notice that the master of the office was back in his own territory, he was too busy searching for something in drawers.

''Zabini? What are you doing here?''

''Ouch!'' Surprised, Zabini had shut the drawer on his fingers. '' Oi mate! You should think about not giving me a heart attack next time you interrupt my thoughts! ''

''Yeah yeah, whatever. So what you doing?'' Draco asked again, summoning an apple from the fruit basket laying on his desk to him. He took a big bite of it, looking at his fellow Slytherin who was still looking through the sheets on his desk.

''I was looking for Hermione's personal case, you know, the one she was working on before her kidnapping. I made a copy of the report I sent you last night, I was trying to find a correlation between them.'' He walked to the wall of clues, which had not been updated for a while.

''Good idea, though the file was robbed when the ministry got attacked. It was the only copy.'' Draco took another bite. He didn't know why he was lying. Maybe it was because of the message Granger had wrote on her piece of parchment. He was becoming paranoid, Zabini could never do... whatever she was implying. He was bound to the ministry as well, but Weasley had been the one teaching him being an auror.

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