Over Concentrated and Unwanted

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You stared down at the worn down pages of the journal you held in your hands for a couple of moments. From the judging of the handwriting, you probably had just learned how to write. There were no dates on the paper - just unintelligable words, yet, you could read them. It was a mytery to you as to how Dirk could read it in the first place, but as of the moment, that didn't matter.

"Read it." You heard Dirk's voice, but there was a tone in it that was almost...pleading.

"Dirk, I don't believe you should make her do something if she doesn't wish to. After all, she...she may not want to read it in the first place. It...it was kind of...messed up, if I do say so." Jake defended you against his own boyfriend since clearly, the content of the book wasn't anything to be desired, memory wise.

Howeve, you stopped him. "I'm content with reading this, Jake. It seems like the contents of this journal had piqued your interests, but had done so negatively. Reading it now seems like a necessity, does it not?"

A short worried sound escaped the forigen boy's throat, and although he didn't seem like he was going to go against you reading it anymore, a clear look of displeasure was on his face. He seemed desperate to not let you read it - the exact opposite of what Dirk was doing. Strangely, something inside of you wanted to question what the blonde's intentions were, but you felt that if you were to read this, you would have been able to figure it out as time went by. There was no need for curiosity.

"Just read it, you...you really should." The silent voice that mostly gave you unhappy glares spoke up finally as Jane agreed with Dirk. Now, that once angry expression she wore, turned into one of guilt.

"I was about, decendant of evil."

You cleared your throat, and looked down at the paper. Something in your body was telling you to not go digging back in the past again, it would only make things more difficult for you. However, there was another part of your body telling you to read it - to remember what you did. A sharp pain began in your left eye, as if looking down at the journal had something to do with it, and despite the pain you were in, you proceeded.

"Freedom is not worth it - obey or pay. Her Highness makes me write words - she said it keeps me alive. (She) said it's for her research to write down my thoughts. (I have to) write down everything I see, hear, do, and stuff. First, I am (F/N). I am four. My mama is not here right now. She's screaming. I...I can hear mama screaming. Her highness says I'm a good girl, (she) said (that) I (should) never leave or Mama will. I wanna stay with Mama. Mama is nice. Once she's done, she teaches me (how) to write words. This time, though, Mama said she might not make it back. (She) said she won't come back, but Sissy will. I don't have (a) sissy? I don't want Sissy, I want Mama. Save Mama."

(Fredum is not wurth it. obay or pay. hur higness makes me rite wurds. she sade iet kepes me alieve. sade its fore hur reasurche to rite down thoots. rite down evrytheng i c, heer, do, n stuff. furst i am (F/N). i am 4. my mama is not hre rite now. shes screeming. i...i can heer mama screeming. hur hiness says im good girl. says i never leave or mama will. i wanna stay with mama. mama is nice. whonce shes done, she teeches me to rite wurds. this tyme tho, mama sade she mite not be back. sade she wont come back but sissy will. i dont hafe sissy? i dont want sissy i want mama. save mama.)

As soon as you finished reading this, your pained eye had stopped hurting, only for you to shoot your head up, and have a vision of sorts, back to this exact event.

==> Be Four years old

"....mama. save mama."

You wrote down in the old journal you were given from the Condesce. A small crayon was in your fist, and not really knowing how words or proper sentence structure worked, the best you could do at the moment was sound them out. You were the only prisoner to have one at the moment, since you were a special case. As the first human born inside of this captivity, the Condesce found an interesting way to keep you in line and also to practice her psycology experiments. To document how they were going, she ordered you to write down everything you thought and was happening, despite you not knowing how to really write at all yet. Each time, she would make you write down a phrase, pertaining to how freedom wasn't acheivable anymore. She wanted to embed this thought into your head and see if at one point you believed it.

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