3. The Spy

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The Spy
(Shioku is the one in the back, on the steps. Vienna is the one watching from afar.)
[Shioku/Shio's POV]

"Move, livestock!" A vampire guard yelled as he shoved the human kids aside, making way for me.

I look ahead without a word.

I used to be one of them...

No, that's actually not true. I never was... I never got pushed aside, and now that I think about it, the vampires kept away from me before... Even now they still kind of do.

Because I'm the one and only 6th progenitor.

I laugh inwardly and smile a bit, ironic how everything's changed so much... Yet I really didn't change all that much.

I heard that Mika's been going to Lord Ferid's castle often... Which is a little unnerving but I trust Ferid wouldn't do something that'd get him into too much trouble.

But I best not get myself involved with his hobbies.

"Shioku-Sama." Vienna, my only personal attendant addressed me quietly as she smiled.

"Ah... Vienna. Good timing... I want you to ask Krul details about the mission she gave me." I say in a low voice quiet enough for her alone to hear.

Which was quite difficult because of a vampire's sense of hearing.

"I understand." And with that Vienna went off with the task I had gave her.

Although it's only been three days since I last saw Mika and Yuu. But it feels like an eternity.

But... I'm tasked with a mission to go to the humans as a human and spy on them. And send information to the vampires. I can't keep thinking about the past. I have an important mission to do.

Honestly, I have nothing against it. In fact I'd be glad to carry it out.

It just doesn't feel like something I'd do... Normally.

But I've been feeling subtle changes ever since I transformed.

I've also been noticing changes in my personality. I'm assuming the transformation's to blame... But I honestly don't know.

I feel... More sinister and wiser now. And I'm a great liar now. Which is not a good thing.

I inwardly sigh as I found a problem with Krul's vague mission she gave me.

"Ryohei." I said to no one in particular.

A second later he appeared next to me. As my guards bowed to him.

"I want you to be on every mission and squad that comes into contact with the Japanese Imperial Demon Army."

He nodded, "but may I ask why?"

"I'm going to need an ally on the other side if we ever come into contact. The other vampires would be reluctantly to attack me. That would make me seem suspicious. So I want you to attack me."

His eyes widened but he nodded, "I... Understand. I accept your task."

I nodded as I dismissed him.

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