12. Into The Subway

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Into The Subway
[Profanity included]
[Yuu/Yuuichiro's POV]

I could've sworn it was her when I first saw her.


Rei looked so much like her, it was almost frightening. Even if I didn't get an answer from Rei, I was beginning to doubt that she was Shio.

If she was Shio, how come she seems so much different from before?

Questions swarmed my mind as I waited for Rei to reappear.

"Yuu." A voice said behind me as I turned around quickly, drawing my sword.

"Put it down, I won't hurt you." The vampire pulled his hood down and revealed his red eyes and grey hair.


"Shh." Ryohei shushed me as I sheathed my sword.

"Protect her okay? I can't be around her all the time." Ryohei said sadly as I looked at him confused.

Ryohei turned to leave as I grabbed his arm. "S-say... What happened to Shio...?"

Ryohei only smiled and walked away.

Protect her? Who's her?


Shio- I mean Rei, walked out quickly with a grave face, and Shinoa approached immediately while I hesitated. Could she be?

"Hey, baka Yuu, hurry up and get over here." Kimizuki called out as I jumped.

"Yeah, yeah." I said brushing off his comment. He gave me a weird look, surprised I just let it go without an argument. Besides, even I know when to be mature.

"So?" Mitsuba asked without sparing a moment.

Rei bit her lip. "It's bad down there."

A pause.

"They're are exactly the amount that the girl told us. But they're some that could be hiding, especially since yesterday's incident." Rei said gripping her sword's hilt.

"So? We wait for orders, or are we going in-" Mitsuba began as I laughed.

I crossed my arms and spoke. "If there's vampires, I'm going in. Orders or no orders."

Shinoa smiled, "and someones got to be there to make sure the idiot doesn't do something idiotic." I glared at her as Rei sighed.

"All who want to go in, can come. However, those of you who choose not to will immediately head to Shinjuku, and report to Guren." She laughed, "of course... he'll call us idiots. Alright!" She said loudly, calling attention. "Those of you who want to go, follow me. The rest of you, go to Shinjuku."

She turned around and walked back down to the subway without turning around once. I smirked, and followed without hesitation. Nothing would keep me from killing vampires. Its all I live for.


"You're all insane. You could die going in there! We don't know for sure how many there are!" Mitsuba shouted as she stopped in front of the subway entrance.

Rei who was halfway down looked up, and smiled. "If we can't handle a little risk, what can we do in this world? Besides... I'll make sure everyone here makes it out alive. You can go run off to Guren if you wish."

"No." She said firmly as she walked down the stairs to Rei. "I won't let you ruin this squad."

"I did nothing. I gave them a choice. They chose to come, and I'll make sure every one of them make it out alive. We have no problem do we?" Rei asked coldly, grabbing the hilt of her sword again. I noticed she did this almost every time she felt challenged or nervous.

Different World [✔️] #1 REWRITING 12/16/17Where stories live. Discover now