7. The Progenitor

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The Progenitor
[Zero's POV]

The look on her face as she realized she was found out was extremely satisfying.

I pinned her against a wall and whispered into her ear. "Just so you know... I was spying on you. Not Ryuja."

I stepped back as her face turned pale.

"Don't worry. I won't kill you. I'm on your side."

Her gaze met mine as shock and relief washed over her face.

"I wont get in your way and I won't tell anyone. As long as you stay interesting, half-blood."

"W-what does that mean..."

I smirked, "if you get boring, I'll kill you. Or I'll tell everyone your little secret."

"Why would you do that... Why aren't you reporting me to the higher ups?! Why would you tell me this?"

Man she was slow.

"I'm a vampire and born from nobles. 12th progenitor, Ira Cornelis. And as a fellow noble, I feel obliged to help another one in need." I bowed as she just blinked. "Honored to be in your presence. 6th Progenitor, Shioku Seijuro-Sama."

"What? Speechless?"

"I-I..." She stuttered, obviously confused.

I sighed as I walked away frustrated by her nervous nature.

"Just don't bore me, Shioku Seijuro-Sama."

[Shio/Reika's POV]

What the hell does this mean?

I looked in the direction Zero- er Ira had went off in.

He looked around my age, but he was most definitely the scariest 17 year old I've ever met.

'So? What are you going to do about him?'

'What do you mean?'

'I mean, are you going to do what he says. And... Are you going to tell Krul?'

'...My life depends on it. And Krul... I couldn't possibly tell her! I could get killed!'

'Fine. I can't say I'm too fond with communicating with her anyway. However... Shio. You're almost at your limit.'

'Is that so...'

You're almost as your limit... Huh...

I knew what Aya said was true.

Right now even... The thirst is practically gnawing at my soul.

And quite frankly, I don't think I'll be able to control it.


It took us a day and a half to return to the company.

And during that time... I had only spoke to Ira five times.

And to be honest... I was still a little frightened by him.

His actions were unpredictable and sudden. He acted on impulse and usually without a good reason.

He caught a fly and tried to make it a pet because he wanted to extend its life span. Because apparently flies that are taken care of live longer?

Then he cut off a lone vampire's arm and tied him up saying that we could use him as a source of blood!

But the weirdest thing was that his eyes were yellow instead of red.

Different World [✔️] #1 REWRITING 12/16/17Where stories live. Discover now