9. The First Mission

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The First Mission
[Profanity Included]
[Shio's POV]

"Alright, then I'll see you before your mission tomorrow, Reika Fumiya-San." Ira's eyes twinkled with satisfaction as I agreed to find more about Shinoa and her sister.

"Of course, Zero-Sama." I said as I bowed and left his room.

Not to mention I also said that I would turn away from Krul. Oh the delight on Ayato's face.

That doesn't mean I'm going to overthrow her...

I had released Ayato's form incase someone was walking around at this hour. It was practically 3 hours from daybreak, meaning it was highly unlikely as soldier are usually very tired and sleep as much as they can, but then again there were people like Shiho.

Not to mention Yuu and Yoichi who were probably up as well, too excited to sleep.

I just really hope tomorrow will go smoothly...



My alarm clock rang, but I laid as still as a log.

Don't want to get up...

'Do you want to be late?'


I groggily sat up and turned my alarm off.

Thanks to a certain few people I hardly slept at all.


I quickly rushed out my room after putting my uniform on and put my hair up into a high ponytail as I walked to Ira's room.

When I got there I already found him standing outside of his room without a flaw in his appearance.

Well good for him. He even looked like he had a good night's sleep.

I rolled my eyes as I made my way towards him.

"So? What is it you wanted to say before today's mission, Zero?" I said emphasizing on his "name".

He smiled, "I simply wanted to wish you luck, Reika. And be careful not to slip up."

His smile turned into a smirk as he walked away, "accidentally" dropping one of Krul's letters in front of me.

I quickly picked it up and stuffed it away in my uniform.

If he thinks I'm going to let something like this get the best of me, he better think again.

Underestimating me like that!

Forget about this whole "I could kill you" or "I'll spill your secret"!

I'm just tired of those now!

I mumbled curses under my breath as I  walked to the gate, where my squad was waiting on the other side.

"Reika Fumiya of the Moon Demon Company?" One of the guards asked and I nodded my head pulling out my identification card.

They bowed and opened the gate just enough for me to walk through.

"Rei!" A voice called out as I walked outside onto the wall's stairs.

I forced a smile. Shinoa, Shiho, Yuu, and Yoichi were waiting for me on the stairs.

As I joined them I noticed Guren talking to a small blonde further down the stairs that led to the outside of the walls.

Different World [✔️] #1 REWRITING 12/16/17Where stories live. Discover now