Chapter 34

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It's been about a month since Vernon has been working again. Sky and I have been to a couple of his shows. I can't say I'm bored everyday because I have Skylar now, but I miss actually having a conversation with somebody.

So since the girls have graduated high school they're coming to visit me for some time. I'm so excited to finally see them. I've missed them so much. Skylar is going to see her aunts and I know she'll love them.

Plus I know Ally isn't just coming for me, she's also coming to see Wonwoo. They seemed pretty serious last time she was here. When I was on the phone with her the other day she made it sound like she was going to move here for him. I think that's crazy though.

And I know Maddy really wants to see her cousin Joshua. Wow I can't wait till they get here. They should be arriving tomorrow morning.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing.


Hey babe, what are you doing?

Just getting the guest bedroom ready. What about you?

Oh that's good, I'm glad the girls are coming to keep you company. I'm just trying to practice a new dance with Hoshi. But I was thinking about you and Sky so I had to call you.

I smile dumbly, I know he can't see me but it's a force of habit, how do I not smile when I hear his voice.

We're fine, get back to work. I love you.

I love you too.

I hang up and proceed to make the finishing touches on the bedroom. After I'm done I make some snacks. Skylar has been teething a lot lately and trying to eat table food so I help her as much as I can.

Just then my phone starts ringing again, I think it's Vernon because he always calls me twice for some reason but it's not.

What's up babe, what'd you forget?

Babe? Well okay, Um just letting you know we're in Korea already and we're in a taxi heading to your house.

Oh my gosh Maddy! You're already here!? Okay that's fine, the guest bedroom is ready for y'all.

Good, see you in about ten minutues.

She hangs up. I look at Skylar with food all over her face and immediatley try to wash her up. Before I do though I take a picture of her and send it to Vernon. He'll love it.

Anyways I wonder if they'll want to do anything tonight. We can go have dinner at a nice restaurant and I'll call Vernon to see if he can come too.

My thoughts are interupted by a knock on the door. Wow that taxi was fast.

I rush to open the door and greet my best friends. I'm embraced with hugs and kisses from both girl before Ally spots Skylar sitting on the ground and rushes over to her.

Maddy follows close behind, both of them practically drooling over Sky.

Ally picks Sky up and walks her over towards me. "She's so cute, I can't believe. Aww she looks just like you." Ally compliments which makes me laugh.

"I don't know I see a lot of her dad." Maddy chimes in. We stare at each other for a bit then laugh again.

"So what do y'all want to do tonight? I was thinking we could go out to dinner. Me, Sky, Vernon, Wonwoo, Josh, and y'all. Kind of like a big family dinner type of thing."

"That sounds good, I'll call Wonwoo and ask if he's up to it." "Yeah, same with Josh." Ally hands me my daughter then goes off to the guest bedroom.

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