Chapter 12

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I'm silently eating dinner alone when my phone starts to ring. I pick it up and see that it's Ally calling me.

Hey bug

Hey ky, are you going to pick me up from the airport right now or am I going to have to get a taxi?

What you're here!?

Um yes did you forget that talk we had about three weeks ago or?

Oh my gosh. Yeah I'll be there in like 10 minutes I'm so sorry that I forgot

It's okay but hurry

Alright bye

I hang up and run over to my closet to get some shoes. Time is going by so fast, I thought I had like another week till the girls came.

I throw my hair up into a bun, grab my keys and leave my house. I get to the airport in no time. I park at the front and get my phone out to call Ally when I see her already walking to my car.

"What's up bitch, did you miss me?" Ally screams, making heads turn. I laugh and run to her. We hug for about 2 minutes. She still smells like New York and it's so refreshing.

I look behind her. Madelynn is missing. "Hey, where's Maddy?" I ask in a serious tone, hoping that she didn't get lost in the airport. "Oh um, she didn't come" Ally says looking down. "Why not?" I'm a bit sad. "She had to go visit family in Texas" she answers looking anywhere but me.

Something seems weird. "Oh okay" I say slowly. I decide to let it go as we get into the car. "So guess what" I say with the biggest smile on my face. "I'm having a girl!" I don't  wait for her to respond.

"What oh my gosh!" She screams. "Awww I bet she's going to be the cutest thing" she coos looking at my stomach.

The whole ride home she tells me about what's happening at school, and everything that I'm missing out on.

"Listen, tomorrow when Vernon leaves we're going to follow him, okay. He's been acting real sketchy and I don't like it one bit." I tell her once we get to the apartment.

Her face instantly looks like she's just seen a ghost. "I don't think that's a good idea. What if he catches you following him? I mean like he's probably not doing anything wrong." She says quickly.

Why is she getting so paranoid? "If you don't wanna go, you don't have to. But I'm going." I tell her. We're finally inside the house and I show her to the guest bedroom. After she's done putting all her things away she finds me in my room.

"Okay, I'll go with you. But what if you see something you don't like?" She asks. I haven't really given that any thought yet. "I don't know" I answer after a while. We talk for a few hours and end up falling asleep together in living room.

I wake up in my bed with Vernon's arms around me. First I don't know I got there, I thought I fell asleep with Ally. Then I realize Vernon must have carried me back to the room. I look at the clock and it reads 4:50 AM in bold red numbers. I close my eyes and snuggle closer to Vernon's chest.

When I wake up again it's because I feel him leaving the bed. I close my eyes pretending to still be asleep. He kisses me one the forehead and tells me that he's leaving. When I hear the door close I hop out if bed and go wake up Ally.

"Ally wake up!" I shove her. "Mom stop" she says in a slurred voice. "Ally I'm serious get up" she finally opens her eyes. I tell her to get dressed and meet me in my car in five minutes.

I dress myself in a hurry and sneak outside. I can see Vernon about to cross the street. I get in my car and start it once I'm sure that he's far enough that he can't hear it. Oh Ally where are you!?

The passenger door opens and Ally looks so sleep deprived. It must be the jet lag. Or the fact that we only slept for about four hours.

I put my car into drive and begin to follow Vernon. So far he's just walking down the street with his hood over his head and his headphones on. He suddenly stops at an apartment buliding close to ours.

He knocks on a door a few times when a girl with long flowy brown hair answers it. She smiles at him then let's him in. What the hell. She looks sort of really familiar. Then it clicks. "MADELYNN" I scream. I'm about to open my car door when Ally grabs my arm stopping me.

"Wait!" Ally says looking terrified. She's seen me fight people before and it's not pretty. "Please calm down" she tries to say in a soothing tone but her voice is shaky. "Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down!? Vernon is obviously cheating on me with my bestfriend!" I scream hitting the steering wheel. "Wait, did you know she was here?" I ask Ally slowly.

Ally suddenly can't look me in the eyes. "You don't understand" she starts but I cut her off. "Get out." I say. "What?" Her voice sounds more shaky than before. "I said get out. Now." This time I'm not screaming. "But" Ally protests. "I swear if you don't get the hell out of my car right now" With that she finally leaves and stands in the middle of the road staring at me with her huge eyes.

I speed off with tears rolling freely down my face. I don't know where I'm going but I stop the car I realize I drove straight to the boy's dorm. I sit outside in the car for a few minutes longer completely soaking my face and my shirt.

Skylar starts to kick and at that I cry even harder. What am I supposed to do? I get out of the car and go knock on the front door. Lucky for me Seokmin is the one who answers.

"Hey Kyl- what's wrong?" He holds me to his chest. "I. I can't stay. I cant. I need to. Can I stay with you for a. For a while?" I say between sobs.

"Of course, you can stay here for as long as you want" he brings me inside and into his bedroom. "Now what happened? Why are you so upset? Did Hansol hurt you, did he lay his hands on you?" Seokmin asks, his face getting scary. "No nothing like that" I answer quickly.

"He's. He's cheating on me" I break into another fit of sobs. I soon fall asleep in Seokmin's arms wanting to forget about everything.

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