I'll Be Just Fine Pretending I'm Not

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Me and Frank went back to the hotel and to my room. I sat on my bed and Frank sat beside me. "So uh... where's LynZ?" He asked staring at the floor.

"She's out somewhere. She didn't say where," I replied.

"She's out with Bert,"

I looked to Frank. "What?" I questioned. She would never... especially not with Bert.

"I saw her go into some restaurant with him,"

"She'd never," I stood angrily. Why would Frank lie to me? Especially about Lindsey cheating on me with someone like Bert.

He handed me his phone, why ever he'd take pictures, and my eyes widened. I couldn't say anything, what could be said?

I felt my eyes tearing up and I stared at his phone. "Gee, I'm sorry. I just thought you needed to know.." he chewed his lip.

"D-don't apologize.." I sniffled. I handed him his phone back and wiped my eyes. No need to be pathetic. The love of my life is right in front of me.

I leaned in and pushed my lips to his in a passionate kiss. He kissed back and I grabbed the sides of his face deepening the kiss.

I nibbled on his bottom lip and he parted his lips granting me entrance. As we kissed I pushed him backwards onto the bed and I straddled him.

"What're you doing, Gee?" He asked unloosening my tie.

"The question is what are you doing?" I asked as he began to unbutton my shirt. He didn't reply, he only pulled my shirt down my shoulders and tossed it to an unknown corner of the room.

"Beautiful Gee," he said caressing my chest. I smiled down at him before kissing him again. He kissed back and we began to make out some more.

I pulled Frank's shirt off then began working on his belt. "G-Gee...." he whimpered when my knee slid up between his legs. I giggled.

I kissed his neck and collarbone as I slid his pants off and he let me. I kissed his lips again and he kissed back, beginning to work on my belt.

I closed my eyes as he pushed my pants to the floor. "You okay Gee?" He questioned rubbing my hips.

"I-I don't know.." I said sitting up. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back gently. "Whats wrong?"

"I-I just... this doesn't feel right.." I bit my lip and squeezed his hand.

"I'm sorry... I just.." he looked down.

"No, don't. No apologies. Its just... what if LynZ's not cheating?"

He sighed and I herd hurt and sadness in his voice. "I-I'm sorry..." he stood.

"Frankie, no.." I stood and pulled him into my arms. "P-please don't leave..."

He hugged me back and I closed my eyes. I loved him so much but I couldn't do this to Lindsey if she's innocent.

"C-can we cuddle?" I asked shakily. I felt him smile against my shoulder.

"Yes Gee,"

I layed down and he layed beside me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he cured up against my chest. "I love you, Gee.." I herd him mumble.

"I love you too, Frankie."

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