Chapter 16

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"Louis?" His voice was ruff but still as sweet as sugar. I turn and look at the dark silhouette in the doorway.

"I got your letter." I move closer to him and I can smell his cologne, he doesn't say anything for a while.

"did you read it?"

"I did. I also quite liked the part in the beginning where you said you didn't need me." I paused and knew exactly what he was going to say.

"Did you read the next part?"

"Oh that little line where you said you wanted me? Yeah I scanned over it one or two times." I heard him chuckle , he cut it off quickly and i could hear that his nose was stuffed up. "But in all seriousness I came here to say that I'm sorry. That I may not be as ready as you would like for me to be but I'm ready to admit that I am..." I took a deep breath, "That I'm gay and I only seem to grow gayer when you're around."

He opened his door wider and the light was pourin in the hallway, I could finally see those green eyes and wide smile. However his smile was not there just his lips pressed tightly together.

"How do I know that your ready to make such a commitment? or that you won't leave when it gets hard?" The quiver in his voice made me hurt in my chest, "because believe it or not Louis I have feelings too and Heartbreak still shatters my soul."

"I'm ready Harry, I'm so certain that I'm ready because I know that I'll have you. I've never felt the way you make me feel and to know that no one in the world could ever make my hands tingle and my heart pound out of my chest is scary as fuck. It scares me to know that I may never get to hold you against me or kiss you."

I see him look at me his mouth slightly open, "Louis I'm scared too, I just I don't know." My heart broke but I couldn't just turn away. You know how you never know that you have something great until it's gone, this is it this is that time.

"All I can say is I'm sorry and that I want a second chance." He looks at me his green eyes searching my face for something, what do you say when you're about to lose everything you never knew you wanted. "Alright well, I'll go and you have my number so just.." I can't talk anymore because the lump in throat.

Walking down that dark hallway and letting the cold London air hit me felt like a harsh awakening. I get in my moms small car and close the door, "He said that he didn't think he could be with me." What else am I to say to her, I feel completely numb like I'm sitting on pins and needles.
My mum is looking at me with her sad eyes and I don't think I can handle her pity. Then she looks up and is very surprised, I turn to look in the direction she is looking and there he is.

Standing there on the cold sidewalk barefoot, doing a little dance and rubbing his hands on his arms, he's looking around frantically. I open the of the car and call out, "Harry!" He spots me and sprints over to me a small smile on his lips.

"I immediately regretted turning you away, I just I'm-" he's cut off by uncontrolled teeth chattering.

"Bloody crazy! It's barely three degrees out here and you're barefoot and wearing that?" I gesture to the thin silky top he's wearing.
"Honey," my mum pulls at the bottom of my jacket "maybe you should go in and talk about things."

Harry glances at the car and smiles,"Hi." He manages to get out, "I'm Harry."

"Hi hun, I'm Johanna Lou's mum." He waves and is still hopping up and down a little.

"Thanks for bringing me mum I'll talk to ya later, got to get inside before he freezes solid." She smiles and then waves quickly as I shut her door.

As we walk back up the stairs Harry's smile is still there,"I didn't think you'd be a mama's boy."
"I didn't have you pegged as an idiot either." I said still referring to him coming outside in the cold.

When we finally get into his apartment he's stopped shaking and is rubbing his hands together. We both plop down on his couch and he's just looking at me with this huge grin on his face. "Don't flatter yourself I just don't want you getting sick."

But then even I can't help but smile because this big goofball came chasing after me in the freezing cold. "Come here." I say playfully and he slides over to my side.I place my hands over his and he's still beaming. I run his hands against mine and despite his hands being much larger than mine, they still seem to align perfectly. "I'm sorry."

"I know and I'm sorry for being so pushy." He's not smiling anymore just looking at me in the eyes, I swear I forgot to breathe for a moment.
His hand goes to my cheek and I place my hand atop his, making sure he doesn't move it. Then I see him glance at my lips and that's all it takes because I can't keep myself from him anymore. I'm leaning in and so is he and just before I close my eyes and feel his lips pressed against mine, I see his eyes flutter shut.

So the Perfect music video was released today and then poor baby lima bean was taken to the hospital. So I couldn't sleep and I decided to finish up this chapter and maybe by then they would release their statement. Oh and have you guys heard Home? It's absolutely amazing it screams Larry to me. Anyway hope you guys like this chapter and thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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