Chapter 8

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Zayn sat in my living room with our normal joint stuck between his lips. He coughed a bit after inhaling the smoke and passed it to me. "You know when you said you were getting a tattoo I didn't think you meant I'm gonna get a couple." He laughed.

"Shit happens." He laughs again only this time his eyes close and his tongue is between his teeth.

I've noticed how I feel around Zayn completely differs from how I feel around Harry. When I'm with Zayn it's like a good laugh and chillin. When I'm with Harry I try super hard to make him laugh and I just I want to be better when I'm around him.

"Why don't you invite him over."

"Who?"I looked at Zayn confused.

"Harry. You just said his name didn't you?" Shit.

I answered the door and seen him standing there in skinny jeans, a t-shirt, some boots, and a black fedora. He smiles and I can't help but smile, "Harry!"zayn shouts comin round me he greets him with a hug.

"Hey." He said smiling.

"C'mon in man."He kind of pushed me to the side and Harry laughed a little at me. I kind of pushed at him which only made him smile bigger.

We sat in the floor because apparently couches are overrated. Zayn lit up again and offers it to Harry, he shakes his head no and so Zayn passes it to me. I take some smoke in and then cough a little. "Is that your girlfriend?" Harry says pointing at the picture of me and one of my sisters.

"No, my sister."he nods.

"You got a lady?" Says zayn obviously in a euphoric stage.

"Uhm no I'm gay."Zayn nods.

"Gotta a man, then?" Harry chuckles.

"No."Zayns quiet for a minute enjoying his high.

"I kissed a boy once."my eyes kind of widen and I look at him, "bet you didn't know that TOMMO!"He was really really high.

I looked at Harry and he was laughing his ass off, which kind of made me laugh a little too. He looks over at me and shakes his head, still laughing.

We sit there laughing at zayn because he's just to far gone. Then zayn just leans over on the couch and falls asleep. Harry is stiffling a laugh and I'm trying to be quiet. "C'mon let's watch some telly."We go to my room because Zayn or the couch has the remote.

Friends is on and Harry really likes this show, that's what he tells me. During commercial break he's sitting there laughing and then he's really quiet. He looks at me and I'm still smiling, then he reaches his hand out. The next thing I know his fingers is on my face and he's softly rubbing my cheek. I lean my head against his palm and it feels so natural, so right.

He's leaning forward now and my heart is screaming Kiss him Louis! Kiss him! But my body reacts differently, I find myself pushing his hand away from my face and me leaning back almost toppling off my bed.

Harry looks stunned and then I see the pain go through his face and he clears his throat. "I shoul- I should go." He stands and walks out before I can stand up.I hear the door open and close.
What have I just done.

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