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she was leaning her head on my shoulder , i was really nervious , my heart was puping so fast

"can we not go home yet" she asked me and i nodded , we stood like that for an hour

the song is in the repeat mode , and Ellin was sleeping in my shoulder , the bus was stopping in evey station , we missed our stop , but Ellin didn't want to go home , i don't know why but i feel confortable with her now, her scent was mesmersing i leaned closer to take a look at her , i took off the hair covering her face , she was sleeping like an angel , what is it with you Ellin that stops me from thinking staright every time i look at you ?

it's 10 pm , i shooke Ellin to wake her "Ellin wake up " i said and she woke up rubbing her eyes , she yawned and looked at the window " oh we are here" she turned to me , we got of the bus and it already stopped raining

we were walking when she turned to me "thank you taehyung i really had fun"

" yeah me too , but i like your voice" i said and she smiled "and i love your voice , you are gifted , do you take a singing lessons or something" she said praising me and i smiled "no i don't " it remained me about tomorrow

"Ellin are you going to meet him tomorrow" i didn't know where that came from

"what?" she turned to me surprised

" i said are you going to meet , seungho tomorrow " i cleared her what i meant

"no of couse not i have some papers to take from my old school and also i will meet my unnie" she said but i don't believe her , i have to see this seungho guy , who is he ?

we reached her house , and she stopped "taehyung thank you again , i hope we can do it again another time" she said and she hugged me , my heart was going out of my chest , i hesitated should i hug her back , i was about to hug her when she pulled away "yeah i hope too , goodnight Ellin" i waved at her as she entered her house.

i entered my house and greated mom and dad , they were sitting in the livingroom

"mom i will go to busan tomorrow okay" i said and she asked me "but why "

" i have something to do there besides i will be going with jimin , his from busan"

"okay but be carefull" mom said and dad turned to me "do you need some money ? " i was surprised , he's always scolding me but what happened now , i nodded and he said

"okay i will give it to you tomorrow" i smiled and went to my room

i called jimin

"hey ,if mom or dad ask you about tomorrow you say we are going to busan to take care of things , you got that"

"are we going to busan" he said excited "not you me , but you need to tell them that we are going together"

"why do you want me to lie at them"

"jimin if i tell them that i will go to busan alone , they won't let me"

"but are you going to busan"

"ah stop asking question , i have to do something really important" i said and he sighed "fine , i will tell them , but hey how was your date with Ellin"

"yah , jimin it's not a date"

"yeah yeah , but how was it did you guys had fun ?" he asked me "yeah we did"

"and ?"

" and i need to go to sleep i have a big day tomorrow"

"yah taehyung answer me you..."

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