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"OMG MY BABY , OMG , WHAT IM I GOING TO DO WITH OUT HIM ?" i said to my husband crying , we were waiting infront of the operating room

"DOCTOR ?" i said as i saw the doctor come out "i can't tell you anything right now , sorry" he said as he went away , i turned to my husband "yeobo , is our taehyung gonna be okay ?" i asked him and he hugged me "i don't know jagi let's just wait and for sure god will help him and he will be okay " he said and i hugged me tighter

"Ms kim , Mr kim , how is he ?" jimin and kim came to us "jimin , he's till in the operating room " i said not stoping from crying "the doctor said that he still doesn't know anything" my husband continued

"what about Ellin ?" kim asked me "we still don't know" i answered her

we were waiting for hours , i didn't know that a surgery can last for hours , then suddenlly i saw Ellin's mother

"yoona" she came and her eyes were watery "hee ra" i said and she started crying , i run to her and hugged her "it' okay they gonna be okay don't worry , we still don't know anything there's still hope"

"Ms Eun , it's okay , Ellin is a strong girl" kim said trying to make her feel better but it didn't work , she couldn't even hold her self "Ms kim why don't you take her to a room to rest" kim said and she helped me to take her


"hyung" jungkook yelled from the back of the hall as he came with Elis "what did the doctor said ?" he asked me

"he said that the operation is still going , it can take more time than this" i said and i can see he was feeling down "oppa what about unnie ?" Elis asked me "she's still in the operation with him"

"jimin , can i talk to you for a second ?" kim said as she called me from the hall way , i came to her

"i just heard a nurse talking she said that she was in Ellin and taehyung's surgery , she said it was the longest and hardest operation she ever experienced and............. there is a big risk they will lose one of them" she said

"kim don't say this to any one , they had enough already" i said

"but jimin , what if it's true , what if we lose one of them" she said crying and i hugged her

"shh , don't say that , let's hope that they will be okay" i said trying to console her , but it wasn't working out for me , i was scared of losing them , they are my best friends and my life is not completed without anyone of them

"hyung , the doctor" jungkook said and we all surrounded him even Ms kim and Ms Eun "so doctor , how are they ?" Mr kim asked and the doctor looked disappointed , plaese don't say it

"we managed to save one of them" he said and we all were shocked and Ms kim ans Ms Eun started to cry , i couldn't believe it , it did happen , i can't believe i lost one of my friends , kim was feeling down she started crying , she couldn't handle the news , she hugged me

"which one did we lose ?"Mr kim asked again "i think you get it wrong , we didn't lost any one of them , but we finished the girl's surgery and she is okay , but the boy we are still working on it" the doctor said

"Ellin , my baby , where is she ? can i see her ?" Ms Eun said trying to say between her cries "she is supposed to be transported to her room , but she need to rest so none of you should disturb her , you can see her throught the glass of the room" he said

"okay , but doctor can't she at least enter alone to her room , she's her mother " Ms kim asked and he nodded .


we watched Ellin throught the glass , she was sleeping there like an angel , her mother was crying so hard i don't blam her , i did too , i thought that i lost you friend , thank you god , but what about taehyung , we don't know anything about him not even a clue

"kim , are you hungry ?" jimin asked me "no thanks , im not" i answered him and he came closer to me

"kim you need to eat something , i know that you didn't eat anything during the exams period , your mother told me , look at your self , no arguments you will eat i will bring you some noodles with us" he said and i smiled , jimin is taking a really good care of me , did he really meant what he said the other night or he was just drunk , im really confused by his actions , why is he doing this to me ?

Elis and jungkook went with jimin , so i was standing alone looking at Ellin and Ms kim came next to me, i turned my gaze to her she looked miserable to me

"don't worry Ms kim , taehyung is gonna be okay" i said and she smiled at me

"i hope so , you should go rest you look tired" she said "it's okay i can wait with you , i won't rest untill taehyung comes out" i said and she smiled "he's really lucky to have you guys , in this world it's hard to find friends like you" she said and i smiled to her


"Elis , do you want black noddles ?" i asked her and she nodded , i payed for the lunch and went with jimin hyung to the room we all stayed at

"Mr kim here is your lunch" i said as me , Elis and jimin disturbed the noddles we bought , i sat next Elis

"oppa , i really can't eat , i lost my appetite , i need to get some air" Elis said as she went out , i went after her

i found her infront of Ellin's room she was looking throught the window glass

"what's wrong Elis ?" i asked her and stood next to her

"what do you think her reaction will be when she wake up ?" she asked me as she turned away

"she will be heart broken , but let's just say that hyung wil be okay "

"jungkook don't you know that if a body stay druged for more than 10h throught the surgery they will lose the patient"

"are you saying that if the operation last longer he will be" i said and she bent her head "no it can't , god won't let this happen , he won't make them suffer , he won't "


"oppa" i said as i hugged jungkook "i just can't stand losing hyung" he said crying "jungkook don't cry , we won't lose him , like you said god won't let this happen"

jungkook went to the bathroom , i was lost on my thoughts but then , i couldn't believe what i saw

"did unnies just moved ?" i asked my self like a crazy i was shoked "what ?" kim said as she came to me

"yes i swear i saw her , she moved to the left" i said to her "OMG you right she just moved again" kim said " i will go call them i said as i went to the room , i rushed as i saw the doctor enter the room they were all in before me

"im sorry to infrom you that we did our best to save taehyung his condition was hard since he didn't put his seat belt , it wasn't like Ellin , but he's condition is better now but not like usual" he said in as sad face

"doctor please tell me , what's wrong with my taehyungie ?" Ms kim asked almost crying " he is in a COMA"

TO BE CONTINUED............ 

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