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next morning

we just get back from the camp , i opened the door as i entered my house , i searshed for mom but no sight of her , where could she be ?

"yah , mom where are you ? i just get back home"

"honey , i have alot of work i won't be coming tonight so if you feel lonely , you can go to Ms kim's or to your friend's house"

"no it's okay i will stay home"

"okay take care of your self , i got to go" she said as she hung up on me , she's being a busy woman now

i went up to my room as i took a shower , i wore my white t-shirt and black leggings as i let my hair slid to my shoulders , i throwed my self on the bed as i sighed , last night was an excited night , taehyung's hyungs are so funny , they had that kind of friendship that i want , it was good meeting them , that reminds me i should call unnie , i streched my arm to the side , i grabbed my phone and dialed her number


"yah you to loud , are you trying to make me deaf " unnie scolded me from the other line

"ah I missed your voice unnie , is kira with you? say hi for me or maybe you could pass her to me , I want to talk to her , hello are you still with me ? Say something"

"yah take it easy girl ,what gone up to you ? Why are so excited ?"

"huh nothing im just happy to hear your voice , you don't know how much I missed you ,yah if don't call you wouldn't know if im dead or still alive , how could you not call me?"

"hhhhhhhh that's Ellin that I know , how are you doing girl ?"

"unnie im alone in this house , I don't know what to do ? Im bored , there's nothing new on the internet nor the TV , what should I do?"

"why? where is Ms Eun?"

"working , she will spend the night there"

"call taehyung to come over " I heard kira from the other line

"ooh kira , unnie is this on speaker ?"

"yes it is"

" just think about it Ellin a fancy home made dinner by you while the both of you have a romantic moment alone no one will disturb you " kira said

"actually it's a great idea , I will call him , thank you guys bye" I said as I hung up , then I dialed taehyung's number

"taehyung do you have something on tonight ?"

"no why?"

" do you want to come over for dinner?"

" okay , I will be there at 5" he said and then hung up ,I went down stairs to wear my jacket I wore my black converse as i went out , When I reached soo chung's house I called him , I didn't want to ring because I will eventually meet his father ,the person that I hate unconsciously

"hey Soo chung im infront of your house "

" okay I will be right there" he said as he hung up , I needed his help since he's a guy and he know these guys stuff , I wanted his help to make a delicious dinner that will make taetae say I can cook

"hey what's up ?" he said as he get out of the house and gave me a hug "i need your help " i said and he smiled "what is it this time ? a picnic , a dinner what ?"

"woh how did you know ?" i asked him surprised "actually it's a dinner , yeah i don't know what to cook , so i thought maybe my handsome , tough , manly bestfriend will help and go shopping with me" i said and he smiled

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