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OMG MOM.... i looked at taehyung and he pulled away from me as i went to her

"mom i can explain , he..i .....we" i couldn't say a word

"were you two kissing ?"

"eomma "

"answer me Ellin " she said and i sighed i looked at taehyung and then to her "yes mom we were , because im his girlfriend , we are dating"

i said as i smiled to him , mom was shoked , but then she jumped that startled me

"OMG , Ellin-ah thank god , i thought that i will never see you date , but here you are right now with your boyfriend , and not any boy , you got taehyung " she said as she hugged me , and i can hear taehyung giggling from behind

"mom , what do you mean? you are not mad ?"

"why would you think i would ?" she asked me while her hands on my shoulders "i don't know you never talked about it , i thought that you didn't want me to date " she smiled and ruffled my hair

"yah taehyung if you hurt her , you are dead " she said and i smiled "don't worry eomma i won't" he said as he smiled to her

i went for a walk with taehyung in the city

"taehyung , where are we going ? i told i want to stay at home , we have a lot of homework to do" i wined

"just follow me" he said holding my wrist , we stopped at the coffe shop that i used to work at , i looked at him in surprise "what are we doing here ?" i asked him "let's go in" he said stepping forward

"i don't want to , we can go to another coffee shop" i said as i turned away to go but he held the top of my hodie

"no , you will enter with me" he said as he held my hand and we entered , we reached the counter

"you what are you doing her ?" the ahjumma yelled at taehyung

"ahjumma im here to say that im sorry for what happened , that day , im here to give you the money for all your lost" he said as he grabbed a package of money , the ahjumma took it "thank you" taehyung said as he bowed , we were about to leave but taehyung stopped

"ahjumma can i ask you for a small favor , can you get , Ellin back to work , and i promise , i will never come in the shop , i will be waiting for her outside" he said and i looked at him , he turned to me and winked

"Ellin is a hard worker i would love to get her back to work , but i already hired someone" she said and my joy dropped , i really loved this job , it keep me busy and not bored , i love to spend most of my time here

"wait , ahjumma , please let me get back to work here , i can even work late at night , please i wont ask for a big salary , please this is the only place that i find my peace of mind in " i begged and she smiled "okay you can get back to work tomorrow as usual , but you will be sharing the salary that i used to give you with the other employee" she said and i jumped from happiness

"ahh , thank you thank you , i love you ahjumma" i said as i hugged her "yah get your hands off of me" she said and i backed away

we went back home taehyung took me to my house's door

"are you sure you don't want to come in" i said and he nodded "by the way thank you for today , thanks to you i got back to work " i said and he bent his head down

"taehyung what's wrong ?"

"you will be busy at work and i will be here lonely without you" he said and i smiled " you know that i only work 3 days in the week , so i will be with you don't worry" i said as i cupped his cheeks and he smiled at me "you have to go in , it's cold for you outside" he said

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