Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
"You sure you'll be alright? Its no problem for me to walk you home, you know..." Naruto tried. Hinata smiled a little. "I'll be alright, N- Naruto-kun..."

Ino's party had ended. She had told everybody to leave and she and Shikamaru would clean up the mess.

"Are you absolutely sure Hinata-chan?" "Y- Yes, don't tire yourself, N- Naruto-kun, please, I'll be fine on myself..." "It's no big deal! I wont be tired because of that!" Naruto said happy. Finally, she gave in. "Alright..."

They started walking towards the Hyuuga estate. Naruto had his hands behind his head, grinning because of his victory. Hinata didn't know where to look so she decided to stare right in front of her. That was when she saw a lonely figure. She stood still.

"Ano? Hinata-chan, what's wrong?" Naruto stopped too and looked at her. "...Is that... Sasuke-kun?" Hinata muttered. Naruto turned and saw the young Uchiha. "Yup. ...Wow, he seems really depressed. All since he was crying, remember that, remember that Hinata-chan?" "Yes... I- I feel sad for Sasuke-kun." "What, why?" "It must have something to do with Sakura-san, don't you think?" "Sakura-chan? ..." Naruto got the hint. "No way! You don't mean he-" "...Well... Yes." "No way!! No way no way no way! SASUKE has a CRUSH on SAKURA-CHAN!?" "N- Not so loud, Naruto-kun!..."

Sasuke had already heard. He saw the blond boy, jumping around, pulling his own hair out of his head. Hinata tried to calm him down. Sasuke let out an 'hmpf', turned around and walked towards the Hokage's tower.

This time, he wouldn't fail. He would save Sakura.

"He's leaving." Hinata said. Naruto turned around and saw Sasuke walk away. "Yeah... You wanna go for ramen, Hinata-chan?" "Wh- What? ...But N- Naruto-kun, its like 1 A.M.... And maybe we should warn the Hokage a-about Sasuke-kun..." "I have instant ramen at home! Please don't think about that baka!" Naruto grabbed both her hands in an impulse. Hinata blushed and forgot about Sasuke. "O- Okay..." He smiled cute. "Yey!"

- - - - - -

Tsunade let out a loud snore. Sasuke sighed. What a lousy Hokage. Naruto was probably even better.

He opened the window and snuck in. The map Kurenai had found was on the desk. As quiet as possible, Sasuke reached out and tried to grab it without waking the Sannin up. 'Just a little further...' He reached out and fell over something. With a loud bang he came down on the ground. Shocked, Sasuke looked up.

Tsunade just kept sleeping.

When Sasuke saw what he fell over, he grinned. So that's why she didn't wake up.

Empty sake-bottles. But still, he had to be quick. Maybe others had heard him fall.

Sasuke grabbed the map and rolled it up. After shoving it in his bag, he looked around. Maybe there was something more that could be useful for him. He walked up to the files and searched.

'Q...R...S...T...U.' He counted in mind, and opened it. '...Uchiha. Here it is.' He found his own file, files from family members he didn't want to think of now... And Itachi.

He sensed chakra coming near. Quickly, he grabbed Itachi's file and jumped hastily through the window. He felt his shirt rip when it came stuck behind the window, but he ignored it and disappeared into the night.

Shizune entered the room, wearing pyjamas. She saw Tsunade sleeping and walked up to her. She stared to poke the woman.

"Hokage-sama..." "...Hn... Wh-... What?..." Sleepy, Tsunade looked up. "Shizune... Can't you see I'm really busy investigating the Sakura-case now?... Come back later..." "What was that noise a while ago?" "...Noise?"

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