Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
Sasuke left the hospital and looked up to the sky. Finally they had let him go. He only had some small wounds in his arm, but they managed to keep him there for at least a week!

"I've been waiting for you." A familiar voice said. Sasuke turned around to see Kakashi. "It's rare to see you actually wait for someone, Kakashi." Sasuke said sarcastically.

Kakashi smiled. Sasuke continued walking. "Going somewhere? Sasuke." Kakashi was already walking beside him. "Leave me alone, Kakashi." Sasuke muttered. "I'm sorry, but we were going to talk." "Do we have to?" "Yes." "Why now?" "Because you have already delayed our chat once, Sasuke." "Hmpf."

He sighed deeply and stopped walking, looking at his sensei. "What do you want to hear?" "Why did you go after Sakura on your own?"

Sasuke doubted and looked at Kakashi, frowning. "... Because I felt like it." He decided. Kakashi nodded. "Of course you did." "Alright, I felt like it was my fault." Sasuke admitted, getting more annoyed with every second passing by. "Why?" Kakashi asked. Sasuke walked on and his sensei followed.

"Because." Sasuke said. "It's none of your business. I just have a guilty feeling about this all."

"Because she's taken by Itachi?" He heard Kakashi ask. Ouch. That question hit him hard.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He snapped back. Kakashi raised his shoulders. "You'll tell me that."

He poofed away. Sasuke kept walking, straight towards his apartment.

'I hate him.' A grumpy voice said in his head, sounding suspecting much like an Inner Sasuke.

- - - - - -

Finally, it was Halloween.

"Sakura-chan! Are you ready to go, yeah!?" "Coming!"

Deidara sighed and played a little with his tie. Yes, he was wearing a tie, since his party was a formal one. He wore an orange shirt and he had thrown his brown coat professionally over his shoulder. His hair wasn't tied up for the change and hang loose around his shoulders. He looked up to the top of the stairs again and saw Sakura.

She was so beautiful. She was wearing the black with red dress they had bought together. The sash was bounded around her hips, not to tight, and the stone from the neckless matched her eyes exactly. She only had a small amount of makeup, but it made her green eyes more notable and her lips were ever darker red, from which you got the urge to kiss them. She had her hair tied back with a dark ribbon instead of her headband, although Deidara still was wearing his.

"Wow." He whispered. Sakura blushed. "How- how do I look?" She tried to straighten the dress a little. "You look..." Deidara searched a while for the right word. "...Breathtaking, yeah."

Sakura smiled and walked down the stairs slowly, like the main character in a movie, with one hand on the rail, and the most pretty smile in the world.

Itachi walked into the hall. He wore a black suit, with a deep red tie. His outfit matched Sakura's very much. His hair was tied in a tail, as always, but it hung over his right shoulder now. He looked at Sakura and Sakura looked at him.

"Err... Shall we go, yeah?" Deidara asked. Sakura nodded and finished the last steps. Deidara smiled and turned to two large doors and went through. Sakura looked around, to find Itachi who was standing right next to her now.

She hugged his arm and smiled up at him. He just looked back at her, but it wasn't cold. His gaze was kind and warm.

Together, they walked to the doors and Itachi pushed them open with his free arm. They went in.

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